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goddesspharo January 22 2013, 05:40:50 UTC

So I had to wait to read this until I gained a proper appreciation for Luke Treadaway's face (UGH, SO RIDICULOUSLY INTO IT, SET ME ON FIRE) and I ended up reading this at like 4am last night instead of sleeping like a proper adult and then nearly died because my heart was so full of joy and I was kvelling.

THIS IS EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER WANTED IN RPF. Pack up your moleskins because THIS IS IT, WE'VE REACHED THE SUMMIT OF PERFECTION, EVERYONE CAN RAPPEL DOWN AND GO HOME NOW. I super, SUPER loved this. It is exactly how I'd imagine the roomies to something more plot to go down. It was sharp and funny and I could hear these jerks saying every line that was written - the inflections and witty banter and eyerolls were playing out in front of me and ME GUSTA COMPLETELY. I loved that it never got so heavy-handed and maudlin, that even when you thought it would get weird and awful between Eddie and Felicity and Luke (JUST A FACILITATOR), it didn't and was doubly delightful because they broke up any weirdness with fucking on Romsy Poms couch or in their tiny bathroom. I would quote a whole lot of stuff at you right now, but I was in no state to copy/paste that last night while I was trying not to jump out of bed to do a chicken dance. I was so into the circle of friends and KAT'S ELOCUTION and Amanda's fashion cat blog and all of the little name drops. SO GROSSLY INTO IT, WHY ISN'T THAT REAL LIFE, I BET IT IS.

And Eddie and Felicity. GOOD GOD, I *ADORED* IT. Threesome set to Eddie's supremely shitty itunes playlist! The passage about there being only two places to sit in the living room that will allow full access to the tv screen and how he's afraid to touch her but leaves room for her to wedge in there (INTO HIS LIFE). ALSO FLAPJACKS. ALSO HER FRECKLESSSSSSS. HER MURDER GAME. Eddie can't dance! They drop ecstasy and he doesn't think skin should feel like her skin does! HOW SHE'S NOT PISSED ABOUT AMANDA BUT RATHER UPSET THAT HE'S GOING TO LEAVE HER. (The co-dependent relationship between the three of them was MY FAVORITE because it wasn't the unhealthy co-dependent sort but just full of a lot of love and wanting to live in this space where the rest of the world doesn't matter and they can be fleeting artist types who don't have to start living in the real world of responsibility yet!) I was a wreck over “I’d be the very last thing you’d ever see, the very last thing you’d ever breathe.” A. WRECK.

I mean, if we're being honest, this entire thing wrecked me and I never wanted it to end.


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