I keep a small collection of truly treasured spam that I've received. This one, from this afternoon, is definitely a keeper. I've taken a screenshot of the web site it directs you to, since I presume that at least one of the links is a virus, and I don't know what other interesting Internet Explorer bugs it might exploit... the PNG ought to be safe :-)
Here's the email. This is the text version; they were kind enough to use proper MIME multipart/alternative. I hope I don't have to explain to anyone reading this not to download MINES.ZIP and play with it?
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 04:50:07 +0400
From: "Spottiness V. Flammables"
Subject: $5000 for an advice! l0
To: Dan
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.4682
Hi! A young pretty girl needs an intellectual help,
for which she is ready to pay.
For more information please go to
http://elena.9966.org/?xUFOP Hallo! Ein junges hubsches Madchen braucht geistige Hilfe,
die bezahlt werden kann.
Mehr Information finden Sie unter
http://elena.9966.org/?ZHKqW Hola! Una joven muchacha hermosa tiene necesidad de la ayuda intelectual,
que es preparada pagar. Mira mas detalladamente
http://elena.9966.org/?hrJkA Bonjour! Une jeune jolie fille a besoin d'une aide intellectuelle
pour laquelle elle paye.
L'information supplementaire
http://elena.9966.org/?JCocy with them.? And yet, Christians must have their names cast
And here's what the web site looks like: