Mar 04, 2005 23:41
[x] name: Bryan
[x] screen name: Bent Outta Whack
[x] sex: Male
[x] birthday: March 31, 1988
[x] height: 6 feet
[x] hair color: dark brown/black
[x] is your hair long or short: medium
[x] eye color:Brown
[x] siblings: 2 sisters
[x] who makes you laugh the most?: Hard to say
[x] who knows the most about you?: Hard to say again, I keep to myself.
[x] boy/girlfriend status: Crystal, the hottest chick in the world. xD
[x] do you have a job: No
[x] who's your role model: Tits McGee
[x] what store do you shop at the most: Cornerstore
[x] have you ever done any drugs: Yes, middle school
[x] do you collect anything: Baseball cards
[x] day of the week: Saturday
[x] thing in your room: My unicorn... Haha
[x] cd: Dane Cook
[x] song(s): Way too many
[x] animal: dog
[x] ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough
[x] drink: root beer
[x] thing to do: being with Crystal
[x] pizza topping: cheese
[x] where do you see yourself in 10 years: Who knows
[x] if you could live anywhere: hawaii
[x] what age do you want to get married: 25-30
[x] how many kids do you want: eh, not even one I think
[x] girl's names: Kaitlyn
[x] boy's names: Jake
Have YOU ever
[x] been in love?: yea
[x] lied?:yea
[x] cheated on a test?: yea
[x] cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?:no
[x] tied your shoes together?: for shits a
[x] are you ticklish?: yea
Opposite SEX
[x] 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex: eyes
[x] perfect "dream" date: uh....
[x] what do you look for in the opposite sex? eyes, personality, how happy they make me
[x] what does the opposite sex not know about you? Well, um... I dunno, my penis size?
Night TIME
[x] what do you wear to bed: Pjama pants and a tee
[x] what's your bed time: whenever the fuck I want
[x] is there a TV in your room: Hell yea baby, 3 inch screen biotch
[x] what's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: kiss the unicorn
[x] how many schools have you been to: 7
[x] are you passive or aggressive: aggressive
[x] vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
[x] would you rather be hot or cold: cold
[x] what is your curfew: eh
[x] person you can trust the most: Crystal
[x] what is the best quality of a friend: Someone who listens
[x] what friend do you have the most fun with: Katie
Stupid STUFF
[x] do you glow in the dark: no
[x] do you posses magical abilities: sadly no
[x] do you keep your underwear and socks in the same drawer: yea
[x] if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be:my hair
[x] who do you really hate?: people
[x] what are you addicted to: dunno
[x] do you like jewelry?:no
[x] do you wear a watch?: no
[x] did/do you have braces?: nno
[x] do you believe in God?: no
[x] do you believe in love at first sight?: yea
[x] what are your favorite tv show(s)?: anime and the simpsons
[x] what color tooth brush do you use?: green/grey
[x] is the glass half empty or half full: half empty
[x] most dangerous thing you've ever done: get hit by a van/sped bus
[x] are you listening to any of your CDs at the moment: no, watching shaun of the dead.