Share Time: Webcomics

Oct 26, 2009 18:28

What am I reading? Random stuff, but I'm also staying somewhat up-to-date with a few webcomics! I've been reading various ones for years, some I've dropped, some I've kept, many I sat and read in a day and then ignored afterward.

No Pink Ponies Girl meets boy. Girl opens up comic book shop to lure boy to work for her. Boy takes girl to Comic Con. It's got a cute story with some random humor and obvious super hero parodies that i guess are to avoid lawsuit? This artist also draws for Marry Me, which is crazy, but sort of sweet. Popstar accepts a fan's marriage proposal!

VG Cats Not a comic with a story, no sir. But it's fun, lots of video game jokes and references. I've been reading this one for years. He also has a newer Pokemon comic called Super Effective that I'm lame and sort of count as one with the regular comic at times. It's cute, it follows the plot of the video games! And no, I can't guarantee all the jokes are good, sorry XD BUT Icon *points!* That's from VG Cats!

The Dreamer is a new one I picked up. It follows Bea as she is awake in high school then asleep in 1776 during the American Revolution. I sat down and read all of this in one sitting, but I'm planning to keep with it. The main girl is a touch Mary Sue with her super skills in drama and how the boy she's liked forever finally likes her, but then she also gets called out on her dramatic ways. I'm a sucker for a love triangle though and the actual history worked in is really enjoyable! The art style here is probably more realistic than other comics, which initially I was iffy on but I liked it as it went. I'm not sure if I'd enjoy this one as much if it was in a cutesie anime style.

Come-Back-To's The titles I'm probably not up to date with and/or read in spurts!

Penny and Aggie high school teenager style drama with clique drama and lots of craziness like that. I love the art style though and the characters are endearing even though sometimes certain bad girls blend together^^;

AppleGeeks I honestly don't know if there's much of a story. It's been a while, but I still call myself a fan. They're always at the cons around here! I feel bad though, I'm not a huge fan of the current art style he's been doing. I'll probably get used to it though.

Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki Boy who loves magical girls becomes one! Boobs and all. It's got some crack moments, but it's fun. The writer/artist is really cool! Like, cool to the point i felt bad leaving the table without buying things.

Megatokyo I'm not giving a summary of this because I'm so out of date with it. I have enjoyed it, but I got out of the habit. I pop in again here and there.

SO who reads webcomics and wants to recommend some? :D

ALSO! Hark, a vagrant is hilarious when I get the references. And when not, it teaches me!

I think that's all.
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