More pubs should have games in them.
I'm not talking about the so-addictive-they-should-be-illegal quiz machines, or the always occupied pool tables but the more standard parlour games. Trivial Pursuits, Pass the Pigs, Jenga, that sort of thing.
Tonight was spent in the company of the delightful
davenotdave in a Canterbury pub that had such amenities. We played a few rounds of Guess Who (technically speaking it was a non-branded knock off, but y'know) initially starting off with the tried and tested boring-but-effective questions like "Are they male?", "Do they wear glasses?" and "Do they have facial hair?" This because repetitive very quickly, so from round 3 we outlawed such dull questions and found they were replaced with such gems as "Do they look like they're cross-dressing right now?" "Can their nose be seen from space?" "Do their eyebrows look like caterpillars?" and "Are they on the sex-offenders register?"
Guess Who: Full of nonces.
It was actually surprisingly accurate at whittling down the numbers, and certainly made the game more appealing. Trying to decide which of your two remaining faces is more likely to be into wife-swapping always livens up a game aimed at ages 6 and up.
In other news, I have three job interviews lined up for next week, the second of which is a second stage affair after I passed the first yesterday despite doing terribly on the General Knowledge section. Apparently not knowing the name of the home secretary does not prevent one from writing the news. Hoorah for low standards!