Haha, she just won't leave, will she? XD
Anyhow, I'm glad she hasn't left yet. [Even though I'm going to visit her on New Years in Costa Rica anyhow. Haha.]
Halloween was fun. Friday was the Anime Club executive bowling party. I lost so bad. =( After bowling, we went to Rebecca's friend's halloween party. It was..interesting? We bought 0.5% coolers thinking it had 5% alcohol. Haha, we're losers. Becca's new nickname is Anime Porn. Hahaha, I still love you. XDD; On Sunday a bunch of my mom's friends, Irvin, LA and I went to Niagara falls. Most of our time was spent in the haunted houses and arcade while the adults went to the casino. We spent over $40 [of our parent's money] on DDR and videogames. Monday~ Lucia and I went trick or treating with my cousins. It was hilarious. Lucia was dressed as a convict, and I was a random...jrocker, I guess? We got strange looks from the children and their parents. [Maybe it was because we were 'cuffed together. People kept asking us if we were "together." Haha, I was like "..what?"] The weekend didn't end the way I expected it to, but I'd rather not talk about it on LJ. Then it'd be like all those other angsty emo entries.
My silhouette at the bowlerama.
Lucia's first roll.
Waiting for a strike.
Alex Kankuro. Haha, another fob pose?
"I'm soOOoo gangsta."
Irvin holding Kankuro's puppet. [it's wearing my wings. XD;]
"Get out of the picture, Tim!"
Tim and Irvin pose.
No cosplay-sex for Tim. Ever.
Some random guy at the subway wanted a picture with Alex. Hahaha, how cool.
Lucia kept taking random pictures of me...
Putting on my wings.
OMG, the gay ghosts! Look at them~~~ doggy style? XD
Counting our candies~
We almost didn't get a chance to take a picture together..
Lucia on the car ride home. Haha, she's got the look of a killer down!
My glasses covered my makeup in most of the pictures, but you can kind of see the diamonds under my eyes. ♥
What does your future hold?
You will accidentally squirt mustard into your best friends eye
Take this quiz at
QuizGalaxy.com Accidentally? We squirt things in eachother's eyes purposely. XD haha, sorry Lucia..? ♥