shes fucking dead!

Jul 02, 2006 11:38

I trusted you. I loved you. I gave you everything i had until Samantha Rogers called me. she called me saying "oh i seen your boyfriend ricky fontana in a black kia with ashley gee he's cheated on your blah blah" so of course i belive it.. if she knows what his car looks like and him so i thought. But she DIDNT know what ricky fuckin looked like!! cuz it was the wrong ricky. it was another ricky who cheated on his girlfriend. so i broke up with my ricky for nothing. So come to find out the next day ricky and sam JUST meet and fuck 4 times. So shes a fuckin whore, and he is too. thats all ricky wanted ever was sex.. he is so gay. he took my virginity cuz i loved him and trusted him, but he found a way to fuck me over.. after i found out about them, he wanted to be just friends but told me he would always love me and care for me. HA BULLSHIT! your girlfriend is a fuckin whore who has 20 guys on the side. i feel bad for you. i never cheated on you ricky never thought of it.. but this hoe will fuck you over.Its funny how you can hate a person SOOO much & never met or seen them before. I wanna kill this fuckin bitch. Im gunna beat her ass so fucking hard and i aint gunna stop. She fucked my life up horribly. Throughout the 6 years knowing ricky thats all i wanted to have and call mine was him. but she had to break up and fuck him the next day.

I told the girl to meet me somewhere and she wouldnt. she made up the excuse "umm i dont have time to fight you" ok you dont have time to fight me yet you have time to talk shit on the phone?$#% DONT THINK SO BITCH! so when i see this girl shes dead.. she took the number 1 thing out of my life, shes fucking dead!
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