
Feb 13, 2011 23:27

Ranting about writing ahead:

I am tired, internets. I am tired and I feel a compulsion to keep writing, because apparently I write fanfic now. And by now, I mean 'since Thursday'. It's Supernatural, which, I mean, fun, yes. But I've been watching the show since December so... not exactly long time in the fandom. Also, it's Gwen. And it's gen. Non-linear gen-fic focusing on an extremely minor female character. What?

Seriously, who writes that? No one. No one writes that, because no one cares. I don't care! You know what I read most of the time? Mainstream alpha-pairing smutty slash. And yet I will probably finish this, because after two full months of nothing, not a word, this is what comes out. IDEK. Brain, I give up, you win, I lose.

On the other hand... this is about as close as I've ever come to actually participating in fandom. So that's cool.

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writing, sleepisfortheweak, whyamistillup, fandom

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