Taste of Chaos

Apr 16, 2008 17:52

Taste of Chaos: April 15th 2008 @ WaMu Theater; Seattle, WA
(Yay for fancy and overly-long titles.)

Report Note: I'll do my best to present a coherent and logical concert report, considering the fact that this was my first time seeing MUCC LIVE and yeah, getting to see/touch them was pretty wow. :D

Pre-Concert Ongoings

Left school around lunch time with me amigo to take the bus to downtown Seattle; naturally, was listening to MUCC on the bus the whole way. We arrived in the International District and decided to check out Kinokuniya, have lunch, etc. etc. I was supposed to wait for
sugi_lucifer there but this 42-year-old Filipino guy started hitting on my friend and uh, it got creepy so we decided to split. (But sorry Kat! ; ^ ; I hope you didn't wait there long!)

Next was finding WaMu Theater, which eventually resulted in us making two trips back and forth between Uwajimaya and Qwest Field because we got incorrect directions the first time. 8D As it had starting raining, things got a little exasperating and we were determined to stake out only "J-rock-looking" people to direct us there... and lo and behold, who did we see next?
x0g33k0x and
ultimaaa! Haha, such a small world Seattle can be sometimes! Mini-intros were made, then we left for the correct WaMu locale.

Here goes some more back-and-forthing. We got in line, then decided to go sit under the overhang preceding it so my friend (who should remember her LJ soon!) could finish her donburi left-over-ness due to interrupted eating by creepy old guy at Uwaji. What was funny was we had left the line originally to avoid some smokers, then some guy decides to smoke RIGHT NEXT TO US where we sat on the steps. Nice. :P

So we finished eating (well, me, I finished drinking my bubble tea) and got back in line. Mental and physical preparation for the next 3 hours = something we should've figured out before, haha. Mostly just stood there, listening to Caramell because she likes them ridiculous and maybe annoying the people around us with our happy colorful umbrellas and overall happy colorful demeanor.  Again, one must note the obvious divide between J-rock fans and American-rock fans (cough BEAUTIFUL HAIR cough). :D

Then Carina and Lee came back and it was more fun-timez! Mostly involved stabby/dripping umbrellas, admiring beautiful hair peoples and plotting to steal itz, and a variety of entertaining activities and convos of which I cannot remember because it is cold and I'm having enough trouble as it is typing this, let alone remember things. But yes, conclusion of line waiting involved  line divider/constructors being removed and the so-called "line" morphing into a mass of people to crowd at the entrance. YES to good planning! (And haha, in your face jump-the-line wristband people. That didn't help much now did it? OwO)

So now, onto the exciting part!

The Concert: Part I

Got into the venue and crowded somewhat near the front, which was nice. However, position near speakers did not turn out to be such a good pick, considering the first band up was (not really worth remembering the name of) some typical screamo band that liked to spew poetry on hazardous levels of head banging. (Can be seen HERE if you'd like.) I think the most fun I had during this was playing jan-ken-pon with Lee in time to the music XDD It worked out quite well no?

Now here is where I actually got EXCITED! The lovely D'espairsRay came on-stage and although I was never the biggest/hugest fan of their music, it was quite amazing seeing a legit J-rock band live. (And sorry for photo size and quality. I was just A LITTLE bit excited and kinda forgot how to take photos during this time period...)

Mm, Hizumi = nomnomnom. X)

And I think the next band up would be the MOST DRAMU-INDUCING bandshit ever. Checked online, and apparently it was Idiot Pilot who started the whole shebang. Like many people have reiterated, drop the 'pilot' and you got the band. If you've heard enough about this, or don't care to read, then skippy-on past to Part II.

Anyways, Maryam, Carina, Lee and I were still hanging around most of where we had been thus far, when the new (shall I note 'relegated to side stage') band came on. The lead guy picked up the mic and said something along the lines of, "We're not gonna introduce ourselves like other bands do. Instead, we're gonna play a little game." (Exchanged confused glances.) "We're gonna split the crowd into two sides. When the chorus starts [or something like that], both sides are gonna push into each other and try to knock the other side down." So some quick-thinking on our behalf noted that if everyone was pushing one way, we could go the other way where less people would be. After all, this DID NOT sound like such a fun "game." We formed our chain of awesome when the stupid song started and yeah, I discovered how unfortunately difficult it is to fight against a throng of crazy rockers moving in one direction. This did not end well. Basically, a huge crowd within our vicinity toppled over and nobody could get the hell up. I think everyone in our group suffered an injury of sorts, due to MULTIPLE BODIES laying on top of us, and it was quite honestly, one of the most unpleasant, uncomfortable and disheartening experiences I've ever had.

Finally we got some help up and could actually leave the place, where we found some security folk and complained to them, as another girl was already doing. I learned of this "tradition" at concerts as "The Wall of Death." Security was mostly unhelpful in that they said the best they could do was pass the message on to the bands' manager, and so forth. I saw quite a few people limping, crying, obviously shaken up as they left the place and it was definitely not a pleasant experience. Real dumbasses, I have to say. The band and the people who actually enjoy shoving up against a whole bunch of other people for the sake of knocking people down. It's idiotic, violent, and dangerous to say the least. So I hope if I ever see this band again, I have a brick or other heavy object handy. D<

The Concert: Part II

But then, things always take a turn for the better no? Because next to perform was M-U-C-C, I think my first and only true J-rock love. Gawd. I don't know where to start? So I had been talking with Kat outside after the fairly traumatizing Death Wall experience, when I realized that the stage had been quiet for a while which meant that the next performers would be coming on. We went in, and I saw that OMGTATSUROU was on-stage and Kat grabbed my hand, screamed and pulled me towards the crowd. (ILU Kat, I really do~ You're amazing.) Somehow we managed to squeeze near the front right-ish corner and GAH so close to the stage. Carina, Lee and Maryam found us and it was all good, MUCC-love from there.

So the purported set list is as follows:
1. Rancyuu
2. Fukuro no Yurikago
3. Shion
4. Shadan
6. Libra
Thanks to
cure4thecommonfor the missing songs! ^ ^

I'm glad they played one of their older songs (1) and FUZZ WAS THE BEST THING LIVE EVER. I could tell the whole MUCC crowd was singing along during the chorus, and Yukke's bass and Tatsurou's harmonica-playing was epic. Argh, why is their music so good?! In my vid clips, you can see the camera vibrating due to the amazing loudness to which the speakers had, which oddly enough didn't bother me in this case :) P.S. Thank you Carina for combatting off crazy-rocker-no idea what personal space means-dude! Every time I looked back and thought he was gone he would be closer and it was like "uh, OK then... not creepy at all." But I guess I was too distracted by MUCC mostly 8D

I was closest to Miya during the concert (which sorta saddened me because I really wanted to be at least center, so close to Tatsurou and Yukke as well) but still, the fact that I was actually CLOSE to an MUCC member?! Mind-blowing. As usual, he was his cool old self although the occasional riff sent him head thrashing and he made that crazy face of his which you can see in our group photo later ;D Couldn't see much of Satochi (sad face) but the drumming sounded perfectly perfect so I could tell he was probably concentrating/drumming like crazy. Yukke, always so serious on-stage! But yet he plays with personality, so I really loved watching him (when I could.) And of course, Tatsurou. What can I say? He's an amazing singer and an amazing performer. He was getting so into his songs, jumping, spinning, gesturing. IT WAS PERFECT. Definitely one of the most animated vocalists of the whole concert, IMO (although I didn't stay for Atreyu or Avenged Sevenfold, so what can I say?) But to me, the fact is indisputable :D

I also loved his MC to death (filmed part of it) because his Engrish was so fucking adorable! >w< If a 'kyaa' moment was ever necessary during a J-rock concert, it might've been then for me. He had a little sheet of paper and was reading off of it so intently. I loved how when he said they were only playing one more song the audienced 'aaw-ed.' That made me sad too :(

Some visuals for you~~~

But wait, what was I getting sad about? THERE WAS STILL A SIGNING TO SEE!

Post-Concert: The Signing

So after the beautifulamazingfantabulous MUCC performance, it was time to get merch and signage! Merch line was somewhat/not too long, but they didn't have any MUCC shirts left, which was sadness, and since I thought most of the other TOC general shirts were kinda ugly, I just bought the FUZZ CD for $15. After that, we somehow managed to start the line for the MUCC signing o_o (as in we were first) and yeah, I was fake/almost really hyperventilating XD My legs actually felt weak, but that could've been from the massive amount of jumping I did during the concert.

Maryam told me to go and check how long the line was, which I dutifully set out to do when OMG MUCC IS JUST WALKING OVER WITH SHITLOAD OF SECURITY BUT OMG HOLYSHIT. Did not check how long the line was, ran back to our spot and attempted to stop fangirling, which also did not happen. I made Kat, Carina and Lee go first because homg this is not happening and what am I going to do and what the hell yeah. I needed to calm down just a leetle bit. :D So I had three pieces of merch for them to sign: the free poster, the FUZZ CD and the T-shirt I made as mentioned in the previous post. Miya was first, he did his thang and shook my hand. Next was Satochi who is really quite cute up close and I am saddened by the fact my senses didn't kick in until Yukke when I started asking them for hugs :( But in any case, I HUGGED YUKKE. What-what?! YES. I think that made my life? And finally, Tatsurou you crazyawesome aah. He did signage and I hugged him as well.

Now, I can't even remember what their expressions were like, or if they smelled, or if they maybe laughed when I was going by because I was sort of spazzing and saying random shit but all of that is inconsequential because MY LIFE IS COMPLETE. 8D Yeah. I'm a happy happy person right now. A very happy person.

Second round was photo round, which I'm glad we were able to do because it seems like they were close to ushering people out.

You want to see some happy people with MUCC yes?

Aw, aren't we adorable? ^ ^
And yeah, screwy picture quality. Better version in the album I linked @ the end :/

I'm surprised I look so calm. o_o;; (Sorry for blocking your vision Miya ;_; !!) And I'm glad we didn't break the table... which apparently happened at some other show. Because I felt it sort of sag down and whatnot. Heh.

GAAH.So that concludes one of the most amazing nights of my life ever. Whatever happened next is not important and already forgotten because I saw/hugged/basked in the presence of MUCC.

The End

As you can tell, I like narrating and stuff. Hope that wasn't too long-winded and detail-y for you readers!
More photos and videos can be found HERE
(vids are thumbs w/a tiny box in the bottom left corner)


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