May 31, 2020 09:50
I could post about the Local Incident(s), being a mere 15-30mins from the area, but I'm refraining...
if you really need to know my buck-and-a-half, you can check out my fb postings - and rare bits on my twitter too
BUT I will say :
I know people directly involved, who live IN the affect neighbourhoods
I know small businessmen, officers, & guardsmen who are involved and/or affected by this
I know people whose opinions run the gamut of extremes, with few in the middle
And Moving On...
It's the youngest of my middle/living children's 13th Today !!
Happy b'day to the Drama Queen !! :) :D
Our "first child," who we got after the death of our own, when the not-yet-wife/ex-wife & I were told we wouldn't have kids, was put down this week...
RIP Viking Kami : July 9th '04 - May 28 '20 ... the middle/living spawnlings called him the "old man"
sadly, it feels like the End Of An Era with his passing... from a tiny thing that nearly fit in your hand to a grumpy, fluffy, big ol' man :)
"We-SoWe Roadtrip!!"
in roughly 8 days ( and 0 hours ) I should be on the road and beginning my Roadtrip !! <3 :D
No, I won't be joined my relatives the first day *shrugs* it couldn't work for them, but that's alright, too - it was never part of planning in the first place
Yes, I (still) intend on cutting through SD, onto Wyoming, then onto Utah, & wherever else I may roam in time that remains !
I could seriously use the vaca with everything going on of late - personal & local !
Fathre Update
talked with Fathre yesterday - he's got new issues that've arisen, but is still glad to be home... and, of course, pushing himself
from talking to him, his memory issues have gotten worse - whether that's due to age or the portion of a year incoherent & out of it, who knows *shrugs*
in convo, he remembered nothing of my issues & incidents that we spoke about & confused his own memories ( including ones I was a part of )
sad to see/hear, but at least he's still around... and I'm not about to argue about his own confused memories, that'd just be mean of me
ANYways - hope everyone is Staying Safe, Living & Enjoying Life, & Much Love to Every One of you Lovelies & Gentlefolk !!
minor twits of the week ::
5/27 : Viking Kami will be put down Thurs, our "first child" after the death of our own, when we were told we wouldn't have kids
Our middle girls, Jacqueline & Clio, called him "the old man"
Viking Kami : '04 - '20
5/30 : aww :( bought the wrong size appliance bulb for the fridge :( ( the only size they had in stock ) - oh well, only out a buck on that one... was able to buy everything (else) I needed that I was capable of carrying, so that's a plus for the day - and it's so nice out this am!
Recent Random Playlist (albums) ::
SKÁLD - Vikings Chant (Alfar Fagrahvél Edition)
watched recently :
via rental/streaming:
The Flash (6th Season)
Stargirl (1st Season)
Supergirl (4th Season)
Doctor Strange
Bloodsucking Bastards
George A. Romero's Land Of The Dead
Spider-Man: Far From Home
-thom Wolfox sR Rhose, AK/GOT (OOP)
"Keep Living & Loving Life!"
viking kami,