Nov 23, 2018 20:09
I'm proud of my daughters, they had very good trimester grades - my youngest with only one B, my eldest with a couple Cs & B...
this change obviously did them well... hopefully it continues & I don't have to worry as we've had to previously
I know things are only going to become tougher for them - not just as school continues, but life in general ( as it does for us all )
again, I'm quite proud - I love my spawnlings so dearly <3
Ah... beneath a full moon again - if I'm to 'believe' in 'holidays,' then I'm going to place myself as a believer in every full moon being a holiday...
I'm not a 'celebrant' anyways, not for religious-based 'holidays' unquestionably, not for 'familial'-based 'holidays' fairly certainly - which doesn't leave much in the end
so - hey - full moons could be my 'days,' neh ? :)
in the past 30yrs it's not as though I've 'celebrated' many holidays - a rare scattered few I was invited to, situationally, or essentially dragged to, unfortunately
I have more fingers than 'holidays' I can remember doing anything with ( or without? ) in the past 30yrs *shrugs*
just one of those things, really, no major loss nor major hindrance nor [etc] - it is what it is, what it was, & what it assuredly will be
once I turned 15 & started working the idea - and reality - of "family get-togethers" became the myth it had truly always been
instead of simply "being there" and/or discluded and/or feeling unwelcome, I was thenceforth either working...
or simply not invited ( beyond to "watch the house" which happened on more than one occasion )
this even happened when I was 20? 21? with the 'Great Roadtrip' that 'All The Cousins' remember ( and were a part of ) - a trip I hadn't even been made aware of... just asked to watch their house for a few days
upon their return - along with several vehicles and all the cousins of the one side of the family - I was asked by several why I hadn't gone ( pretty obvious answer, when one isn't even asked )
on the good side, I had a quiet weekend watching flicks & getting drunk
on the bad side - well - I was obviously a little PO'd upon the 'return discovery' and when asked if I wanted to watch the trip video they'd recorded, I simply grabbed the keys to my fathre's vehicle & went on a drunken roadtrip in his vehicle
admittedly, at 15 I was thankfully already well aware of our particular "familial hypocrisy" & had known/researched enough on the bs behind most 'holidays' ( religious ones, particularly )
though I HAD assumed all families had this hypocritical mentality - which thankfully I learned wasn't true, though it took years of finally seeing non-relative family get-togethers
by no means am I saying that 'holidays' aren't for everyone... do what you will with them, but please research & read the truth behind the hype & dear gods, don't spread bs about them, even if it's "what you were taught" ( which is usually pure & simple generations-old shit, at best )
( the church has even admitted that much is bs, but felt it was too late & would be too spendy to fix at this point - go figure... but ANYways... )
Better Yet, Make Your Own! ...seriously, if you're going to celebrate, then celebrate something with meaning specifically to You & Yours!!
ANYways... that's all I've got for this particular posting - Keep Living & Enjoying Life, My Lovelies & Gentlefolk !
Weeks' Twittage ::
11/8 : "You should REALLY get insurance, it's only [2 paychecks] & dental's only [1/2 paycheck] more"
and there goes rent - plus I have to cover my daughters
"they'd only be [paycheck] each more"
I suppose, if I'm gonna be homeless, no need to pay electricity, water, or buy food...
11/9 : apparently I didn't hide very well the fact I am in more pain than usual today *laughs* - no outright worry, but quite a few "take care" & "feel better"s :) ...started last night - was interesting trying to sleep, let alone get on/off the couch *Oi!*
11/10 : wth, is Pandora/HS Radio trying to wrench with my heart this am : Don't Close Your Eyes, I Remember You, I'll See You In My Dreams ... good gods, you random bastards !
11/16 : *shivers* first loss of heat of the wintertide - rare & unusual of late, oddly enough the entire apt not just a specific room, so shouldn't be a pipe/water issue *ponders* - already down into the 60s *brr* effin' frosty !
(cont) : "someone" had got into the furnace room & shut down the heat to the building last night, so not just I was lacking heat this am *growls* - guessing a relation to the other day's taken apart entry door & opening of all hallway windows in these below freezing temps >:(
11/16 II : some things just should NOT be melty - in actuality or even texturally ... like meat & cheese - seriously, if you WANT to see me vomit or near-vomit, then feel free & offer me melty meat, cheese, or combos thereof *ugh*
11/18 : 'love' the weather report this mornin' - it's "only" 30-to-40 degrees colder than the average today, with windchills bringing the single digits into the negative double-digits ... *shivers* "the beautiful north" my ass
11/18 II : Awkward = having an almost-sexual dream about someone you're not sexally attracted to ( not that they're not pretty/cute/sexy/etc, but that you just don't think about them in that way - nonetheless, still awkward, demn it! )
11/21 : kinda nice having no "holiday" expectations - as long as no one's dumb enough to knock on my door, I can be naked for the next 37hrs without expectation ... or complaints, for that matter ;)
11/22 : already the apt hallway smells of turkey... and gods-nasty fish *ugh* - already sprayed the entry, about to light some incense and prepare for a gods-awful scented day *sighs* ( the fish-smell has been every other day for a week now *gags* )
11/23 : if it's legal, possible, & affordable and the only reason you can come up with to not do something is "it'll offend someone," you never really wanted to in the first place - that's nothing more than an excuse, more than likely driven by fear & a follower's mentality...
Weeks' Random Playlist (albums) ::
Def Leppard - Hysteria
Billy Idol - [multiple albums]
[various industrial bands via Pandora]
Joan Jett And The Blackhearts - [multiple albums]
[various punk bands via Pandora]
[various gothic bands via Pandora]
watched recently :
via rental/streaming:
The Magicians (2nd Season)
Wynonna Earp (1st Season)
Class (1st/Only Season)
Doctor Who (new doctor)
Incredibles 2
Lilo & Stitch
Stitch: The Movie
Mom & Dave Save The World
Lost Girl (2nd Season)
Amityville (1992): It's About Time
The Librarians (4th Season)
It Came From The Desert
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (1st Season)
Hell And Back
The Gifted (2nd Season)
Sliders (3rd Season)
Pacific Rim: Uprising
Deadpool 2
Class Of 1984
The Watch
Leap Year
Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates
An Awkward Sexual Adventure
Cult Of Chucky
The Twilight Zone (1st Season)
The African Queen
How To Marry A Millionaire
-thom Wolfox sR Rhose, AK/GOT (OOP)
unusualist - I have yet to find a religion and/or spirituality that fits my own personal beliefs... other than, of course, the fact I am a (fallen) god.
( y'just now figured out that I'm basically a non-practicing hedonist? "if it feels good, do it, if it feels bad, you're doing it wrong" )
( "I believe in the proven power of willpower and the truth we are the gods we created. No one being created this universe and its wonders." )
( "the words of wisdom I follow will be the words I've written myself based on the life and experiences that I have Lived, Enjoyed, & Survived" )
( "may the platelets of justice travel the bloodstream of villainy, clog its arteries with honourable vengeance, and induce a coronary of truth" )
( "we are all inmates in the same asylum, some of us are just better at bribing the guards" )
( "In a previous life I was the engine block to a '56 chevy, I lost my heart to a Volkswagen Bus... er, wait - or was that a '57?" )
( "Godfuck Me, Jesus!" )
"Lately, we've been playing music by this chap named Bieber, gosh, you should hear the screams"
"Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave..."
"Oh, man. I'm sensing something very canadian about this place..."
"It's all true, god's an astronaut, Oz is over the rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live..."
Jax : "yay for you, do you want a cookie or a bozo button?"