Winter2.0 & Roadtrip Ready : The 44 Week 39 Round Up/Update [T44W39RU/U +1]

Apr 07, 2018 08:32

Winter has come... again... not that it really left, if one is going to be honest about it - it barely hit non-pain temps only for a day or two before returning to below-freezing temps with more snow.

and I did give in since my last posting and now own a smrtphone ! :)
and, no, I don't bring it to work, just like I don't with my e-cel...
BUT this should make it a LOT easier for a few things during the trip
not having to find someplace with wifi to access the laptop ( which I'll still probably bring with ) to go online
having instant access to particular things that may be where I am
checking the weather for my location instantly - hey, it may help guide my direction on the roadtrip post-Louisiana

so, yeh :)

timing is always key with these roadtrips, since I have to set the dates many months in advance, one never knows what to expect until one nears the date

this time the temps locally will finally start getting into decent... just as I'm picking up my rental and leaving *laughs*
as I'm travelling southbound, it looks as though it'll be thunderstorms from point-A ( Minnesota ) to point-B ( Louisiana )
*laughs* - BUT those are the odds...
BUT this is also a prediction well over a week in advance, so very likely to change as we get closer :)

and the temps will be twice that of home where I'm going, which is always a plus...
and, honestly, it rained almost the entirety of last year's MN Loop roadtrip and I still enjoyed the 7 hells out of that !

post-Louisiana I still don't know exactly which direction/state I'll head to - which I think is the joy of random roadtrips

one of our out-of-state salesman told me that if I end up near Houston to give him a call, for a beer or a few and a good dinner *laughs*
east TX wasn't one of the initial goals, but *shrugs* y'never know - it's not that far roadtrip wise from my initial goal

he also gave me a few good links and ideas to east- and mid- TX places to check out if I end up that direction

obviously I'm excited about the roadtrip - and with only one full week of work remaining, it's getting close and tight *laughs*
( which makes it fun workwise, since the normal first-week workload we didn't even get the info needed until late Thurs/early Fri and it didn't get started until yesterday afternoon ! )

but I made sure I reminded everyone necessary that this next/last full week is going to be a VERY tight one for workload and I'll be focused on what has to be done and pawn off what I can to others...
assuming it can't wait until my return - or next month, since I'll be coming back to end-of-month workload necessities

that's what happens sometimes... and I know full-well I earned this vaca :D

I am so very ready for this roadtrip - probably pretty obvious since it's pretty much all I've been posting about *laughs*

and, of course :
still open to southerly suggestions!

So, keep your smiles on, and keep Living and Loving Life !

Farethee well for now, my Lovelies and Gentlefolk

3/25 : *eep* my pants had a hole in the crotch... did anyone even notice that they had a hole in the crotch ?... did anyone even CARE that they had a hole in the crotch ?!?... it wasn't a 'style choice,' seriously !
3/27 : "citizenship hasn't been on a census in [50+] year" - yeah, that would be bullshit from the get-go because I did an entire posting about how surprised I was to NOT see it one census year because it's one I feel is important as an american citizen ...and I'm not THAT old! really!
3/28 : "What's your favourite pie?"
I don't eat pie
"I thought you don't eat pizza"
(someone nearby): "he doesn't eat subway, either"
that's correct
"which one?"
all of the above
"you don't eat pie or pizza or subway?"
and you've passed basic addition - congrats...
3/29 : "can't believe [Trump] or his people would even ask for a line-item veto, it's obviously unconstitutional!"
so, when N0bama - a supposed constitional scholar - asked for a line-item veto, it was no big deal why ?
"he wasn't being treated fairly by congress or americans"
even though he REALLY should've known it was unconstituional, if he was such a supposed genius ?
"[deletes posting]"
3/30 : Minnesota weather, the Great Unknowable : last year was 60s, walking to the movie theatre, & enjoying time on the deck; this year is not even half-that, snowfall and more on the way, and neighbours still talking about ice on the lakes *shivers*
4/1 : this week the girls'll be signing up for their return to in-school-building schooling next year... certain it'll be an interesting adaptation, to say the least, as they've gotten all-too-used to the current environment
4/3 : facepalm moment :
"with no vehicle, no [x] in my neighbourhood I could get to"
[x]'s only a 1/2hr away
"you're talking a 6hr walk, I gaurantee it's not a 1/2hr walk"
why would you walk there, that'd be too far
"since I said I had no vehicle"
then how would you get there?
4/5 : heard a sharp, loud cracking noise as I was walking into work this AM - lo! and behold! watch strap has broken *sighs* ...mayhaps I'll find a good watch place while on my vaca in a week
4/7 : there's something disturbingly hilarious when they mention it's sunny enough to get a sunburn in [#] minutes outside - assuming you're crazy enough to be outside in below-freezing temps actually uncovered and showing skin *shivers while smirking*

These Weeks' Random Playlist (albums) ::
Danger Danger - Danger Danger
Danger Danger - Screw It!
Godsmack - Godsmack
Butcher Babies - Uncovered!

watched recently :
via rental/streaming:
Rough Night
Jessica Jones (2nd Season)
Lucifer (3rd Season)
Agents Of SHIELD (5th Season)
Big Ass Spider!
Star Wars (VIII): The Last Jedi
Arrow (6th Season)
Legends Of Tomorrow (3rd Season)
iZombie (4th Season)
Shadowhunters (2nd Season)
Supernatural (8th Season)
Ash Vs Evil Dead (3rd Season)

Lost In Space (1998)
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Clash Of The Titans (2010)
Police Squad! (only Season)

-thom Wolfox sR Rhose, AK/GOT (OOP)
unusualist - I have yet to find a religion and/or spirituality that fits my own personal beliefs... other than, of course, the fact I am a (fallen) god.

updatev2, vacation, roadtrip

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