Boiled Shirtless ... Lives?! (Not "April Fool's" After All!)

Apr 02, 2011 09:55

I initially intended on crashing 'round 9p or so last night, but for some reason instead I popped in The Dark Crystal instead...
roughly an hour into the film I got a late night phone call from someone I haven't spoken to in... what? roughly 15yrs or so? ...a long time, at any rate.

no, I didn't finish watching The Dark Crystal (I'll do that today *grins*), but instead had a very intriguing phone call that I initially assumed was an elaborate April Fool's Day joke...
aaaand, no - it wasn't, as I discovered shortly after the convo and receiving e'mails related to said phone call.

I know, I know - what's the big fraggin' deal. You had a phone call with an old friend that led to e'mails. So What?

This is "so what" :
Now, mind you, it is ONLY a domain name - a domain name that is in my name and that I won't need to renew until 2021, but yes, just a domain name
(the page you see if basically a free "placeholder" until I decide upon a webhost and actually create the site itself)

So, after just b.s.'ing about it and having some fun with ideas, now - it seems - I've been given the incentive to do what I'd b.s.'d/joked about...
create myself a website for my poetry, drawings, etc. (journal link in some way, etc.)... Oi! and Good gods!

Now I have to wrap my mind around webhosts ... whether I want ad space/advertising (imposed by the site or other), how much webspace I'll need/want, FTP access (for uploading pages I create for the website), limited file sizes (why do some hosts even DO this?!), bandwidth (though I'm certain that won't be an ussue for some time, if ever), tech support, personal site control (yes, some webhosts do NOT give you this, weirdly), and - of course -price, amongst other things unmentioned!!...
*laughs madly* good gods, indeed!

Any recommendations for ideas and even "starter" webhosts from those who already have or have had websites?!
I (obviously) want to start by simply having fun with this - as well as having what I consider "important" links... to those friends who would want/like me to link to them, obviously I'm not going to "just" up and post a link to your site(s), friends!

((and, yes duhrrr, I have to create/design webpages for the site itself... but with a little html/xtml, etc. remembrance coupled with my creativity, hopefully that should be smooth albiet mindnumbing?))

[ and, yes, I have every intend on keeping my journal at LJ... I like it here. Though if I can somehow show on the site, when it's active, the last couple posts or similar, I'll do so *smiles* ]

via netflix:
Dungeons & Dragons:Wrath Of The Dragon God - while, yes this sequel is lower budget than the original film it nonetheless is a much better film!
*smiles* finally! A thoroughly enjoyable serious-take on D&D with enjoyable characters that fit into the story well while trying to overcome obstacles.
Personally, I found Lux (the barbarian) and Nim (the rogue) to be my personal favourites and the lich *grins evilly*, a decent conniving lich indeed...!
the magickal items, the traps, the spells, the vorpal sword *laughs*... good gods, I could go on just on details but the film doesn't bore, so why me?!

-thom / thom W sR Rhose
( "Godfuck Me, Jesus!" )
( "In a previous life I was the engine block to a '56 chevy, I lost my heart to a Volkswagen Bus... er, wait - or was that a '57?" )
"Oh, man. I'm sensing something very canadian about this place..."
"It's all true, god's an astronaut, Oz is over the rainbow, and Midian is where the monsters live..."
"No time for love, Dr. Jones!"

boiled shirtless

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