The Late Great Monkey Bourbon... And Friends? (aka Yes, I've Got Opinions)

Sep 25, 2006 11:07

Today's most precious holidays are... are you ready? Well? C'mon, I asked are you ready? *sigh* Fine, today is National Comic Book Day and Hug Your Teddy Bear Day. There, happy? No drumroll for you, so sorry...

In TV land, the new show Heroes starts tonight, the new Smallville starts Thursday, but it's the season finale of Eureka... just when I thought I'd have nearly a week of shows to watch *sigh*.

With these next two, I know I'm beating a dead horse, but the damn thing keeps rising from the grave in reallife horror... so beat on I shall:1)A new U.S. intelligence assessment points to the war in Iraq encouraging global terrorism, but the Bush asshol... er, administration won't hear it, stressing that anti-American fervor in the Muslim world began long before the war. The highly classified report, called the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), represents all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies. More can be found here.

2)Right along side this comes the New Holy War in a bible camp called "Kids On Fire" (aka "Jesus Camp," as it's called in a new documentary). This time it's not any arabic religion declaring war, but Christians "[rejecting] the idea of separation of church and state and [creating] a Christian State ready to do battle for Christ." Apparantly there's even a scene in which kids are praying before a cardboard cut-out of President George W. Bush. Sadly, this isn't something far away but about a North Dakota camp attended by kids from throughout the country. Apparantly the new enemies are religious diversity and the core of what makes America America. Apparantly the article notes that even "Christian" lobbying groups have been urging Congress to permit the use of torture. And who hasn't heard what the new Pope had to say... and then apologized for? It's a sad sad world we're entering into, full of severe issues we're going to be forced to face, unfortunately. More to be found here.
This is racism, people, bigotry, pure and simple, which should never never be acceptable in any form.

Sad also to note that it's (still) Religious Freedom Week... *ahem* that's freedom of ALL religions, jackholes!


Heyyy, who put that drumroll there, didn't I say no drumroll for you? *deep sigh* Damn them, damn them all! Especially the zealots, gods help us all.

-t. Wolfox sR Rhose

horror, holidays, assholes, smallville, other beliefs, gov'mt, tv, issues-disagreement, racism-bigotry

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