Late Night Pieces Of "The Scriptease"

May 12, 2006 22:04

Ten (twisted? ... tormented?) tales, er, no, not quite, poetry, actually, ten poems. *shrugs* Enjoy... or don't. Your choice. The SchmooGod has spoken.

2006132/2058 - Family (is, not does!)

is something you are
not something you do!
parent, sibling, child
mere titles, perhaps
if deserving of
friends, acquaintances
more likely, sometimes
but! and still...
not how someone acts
but what someone is!
undeserved, unrequired
of honour
of virtue
of truth
of trust
Family is, not does!

8:58p / day 132 / year 6

t. Wolfox sR Rhose, "the Scriptease"2006104/1458 - HUNGERAGE

strip the flesh from thy wounded heart
fed in strips to your hungering rage
marinated in wrath 'til it started to boil
then grilled to a fevered crisp

2:58p / day 104 / year 6

t. Wolfox sR Rhose, "the Scriptease"2006132/2137 - Friends Don't

What a waste of a fallen friendship
no excuse or apology can save disrespect
pushing the boundaries
what could you have been thinking
dishonour like this, too hard to forgive

9:37p / day 132 / year 6

t. Wolfox sR Rhose, "the Scriptease"2006104/1608 - 32 Halos

32 halos down and hundreds to go
stained wings now trophies on my walls
angels of peace and freedom and death
any choir, any reason, anytime
32 halos now links in a chain
all adding to the power of one man
guardian angel, fallen angel, any ol' kind
I'll take 'em out quick as can be

4:08p / day 104 / year 6

t. Wolfox sR Rhose, "the Scriptease"2005247/1635 - Lonely Olde Home Hotel

drownin' in the lonely olde home hotel
futures past with each battering wave
each drop of memory a salty tear
viewed spectacular from an empty room

4:35p / day 247 / year 5

t. Wolfox sR Rhose, "the Scriptease"2006111/1825 - God The Unpure

Here lay god the unpure
buried as the just will do
to compensate for bad design
and build a religion off the fumes
a new fuel for the fanatics
colour-coded to keep the blind at ease
built-in braille (signs of disease)
remnants of gross anatomy
here lay god the unpure

6:25p / day 111 / year 6

t. Wolfox sR Rhose, "the Scriptease"2006132/2130 - The Breeding Impaired

Little help for the breeding impaired
unfortunately, all too many who can, will
smothered by our own overpopulation
and some wonder why others gladly kill?
Little hope for the breeding impaired
spreading their beliefs like a plague
inspiration to those who wrong... but then are forgiven
and some wonder why others will hate?

9:30p / day 132 / year 6

t. Wolfox sR Rhose, "the Scriptease"2006112/1900 - Odysst

the gilded streets of the strange but true that so paralyzed our town
an odyssey of the oddest kind tracing the grave into the ground
seeking to win the debt of the dead just to survive the night
riding the wave of the terrorized crowd with a whip of mourning light
this is the not so feared of through rictus grin and bloodred tongue
trying so hard to be left behind you hardly realize that you've won
the ire and rage of those left uncaged as sacrifice to blackened hearts
when they're done merely an animal remains licking at it's many scars

7p / day 112 / year 6

t. Wolfox sR Rhose, "the Scriptease"2005261/1641 - Flesh Of Icarus

the price of flesh and flood and wandering
bright as river's blood
staining the soul synthetic
never once the same place twice
streets are paved with gold and steel and innocence
or as much as can be found
tasting of the flesh of Icarus
the gods frown from up above

4:41p / day 261 / year 5

t. Wolfox sR Rhose, "the Scriptease"2006098/1738 - the aether numerics

"21 years to grow
21 years to pass
and one inbetween to ponder"
ageless, unending
effervescent, energetic
3s and 3s and a one is SEVEN
numerics returned to haunt?
"21 years to grow
21 years to pass
and one inbetween to ponder"
13 lines, the number aetheric
entropy, harmony
presence, impressive
"21 years to grow
21 years to pass
and one inbetween to ponder"

5:38p / day 98 / year 6

t. Wolfox sR Rhose, "the Scriptease"

As I'm prone to remind people, all talent found within is purely coincidental...
but if you did like it, thanks! Who knows what my mind may come up with next...?

-t. Wolfox sR Rhose

EDIT: (10:30p), in answer to someone, "Yes, but only lately have I been wearing hats (other than my cowboy hat which I still have and used to wear during summers and while showing horses or working at WEfest - and my crown royale, which is long gone - it self-destructed). But I'm only wearing hats until my hair in front is long enough to tie back, as with these new glasses, which are insufferable as hell to clean, my hair marks them up in seconds ... and I don't feel like cleaning my glasses constantly. Hours a day cleaning the damn things is enough!"

talent, glasses, poeticav0

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