Holy books Batman!

Jan 01, 2008 17:13

Last year, one of the spotlight communities on LJ was the 50bookchallenge. I thought, "I like reading. I like lists. I think I'll keep track of everything I read this year."

However, I had to do it in an organized fashion, so I used LibraryThing to keep track of everything. It was a good method, I attached tags to see what kinds of books read the most of (young adult fiction), during what months did I read the most in (November)...things like that. The only guideline I gave myself was that picture books, magazines, newspapers and single issue comics did not count. I ended up reading 136 books during the past year. That was a lot. Granted, there were quite a few I had to read for work or school.

And somehow, in my odd little corner of the world, keeping a list like this actually qualifies as fun for me.

And if anyone is curious, do read:
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian by Alexie Sherman
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon
Love is not a Mixed Tape by Rob Sheffield
A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah
Alternadad by Neal Pollack
A Good and Happy Child by Justin Evans
Funny in Farsi: A Memior of Growing up Iranian in America by Firoozeh Dumas

Don't read:
Adverbs by Daniel Handler
Dedication by Emma McLaughlin
Harmless by Dana Reinhardt
Your Own, Sylvia: A verse portrait of Sylvia Plath by Stephanie Hemphill

And if you are looking for an extra disturbing book, read: Crooked Little Vein by Warren Ellis. I did warn you though.

And if you want to see this year's list, I made a new LibraryThing to keep track.
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