I need to catch up on all the shit that has been piling up.
Do I have time? PLENTY OF IT but my procrastination and lack of motivation is kicking my ass.
Im as sick as sin and Ive developed a fucking hardy potty mouth in the past few days.
I cant make up my mind about anything lately.
I have a boy.
I love this boy.
But even though there are times of complete bliss, there are times that I HAVE to rethink fucking everything Ive been blessed with because thats the type of girl I am.
I want a boy that makes me feel alive.
I want someone that will dig me out of this hole that Ive dug.
I want fall walks.
and picnics.
and antique shopping.
and roadtrips.
and summer. Damnit, I want summer back.
and... I fucking need a change of pace.
And most of all,
I need someone to make things beautiful again.