oh hay thar john simm.
i mean, i liked it for a ton of other reasons, but in summation, that'll do nicely. john simm + david tennant + kinky sex tiem nao (oh come on, we all know what those gallifreyans get up to at university. like there hasn't been master/doctor slash since i was but a twinkle in my daddy's eye. pssshh, i say!) = YESPLZKTHNX. i am the master, you will do it with me because i am both attractive and psychicobey me!!!111 plus one co-captains of the innuendo squad? oh, be still my heart.
1)um, if they were just going to recycle the plot device from human nature (apes don't assassinate their presidents!)/family of blood, shouldn't they have had them earlier in the series? or possibly even in the last series? so it would feel like continuity rather than laziness? um. well, what do i know anyway? i didn't, like, Go To School for this filmmaking malarkey. maybe they felt blink was an appropriate median.
2)i am a mentally stunted individual. i spent about half an hour trying to rearrange the letters in "yana" to form another word because i have apparently confused "acronym" with "anagram". i r smrt. after it became apparent what was going on, i spent the rest of the episode trying desperately (and failing) not to hum the song
you are not alone. god, there is something wrong in my brain!
3)speaking of anagrams, SUBTEXT -> BUTTSEX. just sayin'.
4)because There. Was. No. Subtext. (the text was far too texty to be sub!) which is not to say there was no buttsecks. i'm sure there was. all over the silo during the commercial breaks. is that a ginormous rocket blasting off from the end of the universe into depths unknown, or are you just really happy to see me after abandoning me on a satellite billions of years in the future which at this point is billions of years in the past? see also: text + sub. oh, doctor, that is totally you. sry. lol SORRY, MASTER. what was that bit about little time lords being woven on looms again?
5)hey miss martha jones? didn't you used to, like, save the world sometimes? yeah, whatever happened to that? i thought that was pretty cool.
6)it can be part two tiem nao plz? fuck this waiting around to find out what happens! although, it looks like they have done something really interesting with the master/saxon and the tardis and the continuity of time travel and i kind of can't wait teo see how it ends. for all my nitpicky complaints and obsessive masturbatory focus on attractive young gents i might like to do it with but would probably be more pleased if they just did it with each other, i think this episode's got a really interesting premise and this arc will probably kill me with awesome and holy shit, i sure did pick a fine time to try something new!
shut them down.