2005 was the hottest year on record and scientists predict that here in illinois we'll have.....

Jun 01, 2006 01:05

Currently Unemployed...except not. sometimes, i really amaze myself in my awesomeness and the ease with which i am able to get myself hired for various jobs. sometimes? i am great at telling people what they want to hear. and i wonder if that's because it's true. and if myabe i am not getting hired at these places because of my amazing cunning or powers of mind control...but because i actually am qualified for them and this is the sort of work i ought to be doing. i like that scenario, it makes me feel like my life isn't completely ruined, only maybe it is? i can't tell.

something i am totally pumped for is wearing shorts to work tomorrow. i mean, i wore shorts to work yesterday and that was pretty great, even though they were really big cargo shorts and i may as well have just worn pants or something. but today i did wear pants, and i rolled them up a bit, only it turned cold and ridiculous, so i was glad re: patnses. tomorrow? denim cutoffs for the win!! this is pretty exciting, even with the perspective that global warming is a SERIOUS ISSUE and we are all going to die of exposure, obviously. shorts!!! is no one else stoked about shorts?

i kind of enjoy standing around in front of various starbuckses for five hours and talking to people about global warming and soaking them for cash, because it means i get to talk to CRAZY BATSHIT WHACKALOONS who think global warming is made up...even though i am not allowed to argue with them. also, anarchists who are either militant or lazy (I CAN'T TELL) who refuse to surrender their hard-earned cash, the bastards, because they can't resist telling me all about how our political climate (i.e. capitalism ftw) is all wrong for change of any kind and that we shouldn't be working to reform the current system, instead we should be working on dismantling it. condescendingly, because i am obviously a political person as well... thanks, dude, nice to know i am a political person. oh my gawd, you hate nazis? i hate nazis!!!!! but, like, also thanks for thinking i know nothing about, uh, power struggles. i mean, After The Revolution? sometimes i hate anarchists, and then i remember that my friends are just as likely as not to get arrested for throwing this and that brick through such and such window. or, uh, jamming epoxy in the lock on the door of niketown on mayday. or that em and i spent an entire spring and summer wondering only half-jokingly whether we enjoyed soccer enough to be anarchists. i. wonder. if. i. have. any. actual. political. affiliation. or maybe i just like to make fun of everyone too much. even feminists. who, i have to admit, i sort of hate. the important thing? more than i h8 the patriarchy? or less? corollary? what is the difference between the two?

oh snap, what DO i like? wearing shorts, for one thing. and tea. and making smoothies with lots of bananas. making courier bags out of vinyl. badassery in all its many forms. the possibility of going to see sympathy for lady vengence tomorrow? who even knows! this movie is going to scare the living daylights out of me! but: see...badassery. i have not seen the others in the trilogy, but i have read nothing but good things about any of it, and have been vaguely wanting to see them (but at the same time? really really NOT. especially "oldboy" which i am terrified even thinking about!) and this is the most concrete opportunity that has come up to do this. oh! i also love my bike. and riding it. even on an hour and a half commute. to stand around for five hours. and then back. what? bicycle!!

tired old rhetoric, environmental activism what?, no library school for j.c. superstar esq

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