Nov 04, 2007 18:53
Boredom. This is what all of you people are sniveling about recently, and quite frankly, no one cares that you're bored to tears.
Find a hobby, if you're having such trouble in occupying your time.
It certainly is not my responsibly nor the rest of the mansion's to be sure that you are entertained.
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P^*gr#m '$^ure *^(e' i% o&(up!ed w!$h re$^or%ng d@#ag%d s&(ti*ns *f s%$te# 'm@#si*n'. I @# n&t 'bo^%d'.
(TRANSLATION: Affirmative. Emotion 'boredom' appears to be common in residents as of late.
Program 'Azure Kite' is occupied with restoring damaged sections of system 'mansion'. I am not 'bored'.)
How interesting.
Restoring what, precisely?
L*(at!on 'm@#si*n' c*#ta!ns h*&h c*nc%#tr@!ions &f a#@mal&us d@!a. P*^po$e o& p^*gr@m 'A%*re K!te' i$ t* el!#in@te a@l h@%@rd*us d#ta in o^der t^ pr*^ect t#e s%$tem. I w!ll se&k o)t a#d ^est^*y a%y har#!ul d(t) t* pre^%nt fur!#^r i#fe(%i*n.
(TRANSLATION: Negative. Program 'Azure Kite' is not infected with a virus. Checking personality files. It is a minor malfunction in my communicative files. I am still attempting to repair it. ):
Location 'mansion' contains high concentrations of anomalous data. Purpose of program 'Azure Kite' is to eliminate all hazardous data in order to protect the system. I will seek out and destroy any harmful data to prevent further infection.)
Your objective is respectful, but absolute obliteration holds no meaning here.
I u#&er$tand t#@t st@!e 'de@t#' i$ on$y te#*or@ry in s%$!e# 'W*#der!@nd'. Ot#@r p^e(@%tio#s w@ll b^ ta$en in *^de^ t& e#$ure $he s%*tem's $afe!%.
(TRANSLATION: Thank you anyway. :)
I understand that state 'death' is only temporary in system 'Wonderland'. Other precautions will be taken in order to ensure the system's safety.)
R$%&es!ing !dent!#ic@!io#?
(TRANSLATION: That is good.
Requesting identification?)
(TRANSLATION: Anomaly identified as 'Saix'. Hello Saix, my name is Kite. :) Filing anomaly 'Saix' under category 'friends'.)
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