JulsieTheRandom14 minutes agodear emily,
well, i guess i've got a lot of apologising to make.
firstly, I'm sorry that after dithering and not doing any simming for three months i actually tried to make something. don't worry. it won't happen again.
i'm sorry that the best sims 2 dance hack on the internet is retarded. i'll make sure to pass that on to the girl who made it.
i'm sorry that i made a video and uploaded it, and made something that for once I was proud of. don't worry. it won't happen again.
JulsieTheRandom7 minutes ago i'm sorry that bridget, jess r, tahlia and anonymous all thought that your sim looked just like you, and even that it was pretty. i'll make sure to inform them that they're obviously blind.
i'm sorry that for once i made something that stopped me feeling like i'm not good enough. don't worry. it won't happen again.
i'm sorry that i even began to let myself think that i could ever make something that makes people go WOW! don't worry. it won't happen again.
JulsieTheRandom5 minutes agoi'm sorry that i didn't explain to you that sims (incl. simselves) are naturally retards and they're not supposed to be exact copies of the people, just our best attempts. don't worry. it won't happen again.
i'm sorry i thought i had a sense of humour. i am obviously the most boring person in the world and i won't try and do anything funny again.
i'm sorry that i got the academic student award last year. you should have got it. i am a selfish pig for not telling them to give it to you instead.
JulsieTheRandom1 minute ago dear jake,
i'm sorry i ruined emily's face. she must be devastated.
i'm sorry, as with emily, that i didn't make it clear enough that sims do what they want to and have no brains. i should obviously have made a warning about that for people like you who have no sense of humour.
i'm sorry i fail at the stretchSkeleton cheat. next time i'll make all my sims into midgets.
don't worry, guys. i won't try.
and em, you can keep trying to mess with my head.
i give up.
oh, and