May 12, 2005 21:40
TradeMe is addictive. Until you realize that’s real money you’re playing with. Then you think, shit, what the hell am I going to eat next week?
I don’t know if I should be listening to all these depressing songs. (Fields of Gold-Eva Cassidy; Stop-Jamelia; How Did I Fall in Love With You?-Backstreet Boys; Someone Like Me-Atomic Kitten; And a whole bunch of violin stuff.) It’s not that I’m depressed or something, but they’re so damn catchy that it’s hard to stop pressing play when one song’s finished. And btw, tka, if you’re reading this, stop being so depressed in your blog entries. You’re dragging me down with you, damn it!
I have this fear that I’ll be 90 and still not have kissed (or done anything else, *ahem* with) anybody. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. On the one hand, I can’t imagine ever going out with someone ugly, only speaks mandarin (Vic doesn’t have any hot Chinese guy who speaks good English apparently. Major bummer.) or just rubs me the wrong way. I feel like I’m North and everyone else is South. (Edit: Five minutes later I just remembered that would be the state I’m aiming for. No wonder I got such crap marks.) I feel like everyone already knows heaps of other people and there’s just no room for me. (And once again, tka, I blame this train of thought completely on you.)
You know, I don’t think I ever want to live in Auckland again. It’s rained about twice since I’ve been down here, (on some days, the sun still shines, gosh!) It’s not actually very windy in the CBD, (you only hear about the wind because parliament, court, train station and law/commerce school are based in the windy section and they’re whinny bastards.) Everything’s within walking distance. And it’s flat. What more do you want?
Buffy (Season 2) - Being the idiot that I am, I saw ‘Disk One’ and completely forgot to check what season it was. Quite a lot of surprises for me. One) It’s hilarious. Two) The acting’s awful. Three) Who told Spike to get a Scottish accent? British is sexy; Scottish is Sean Connery, (especially with a disturbingly porny SC and the Queen fanfic in Salient…)
House, MD - Hilarious. I recognized Jesse Spencer! (From Neighbours.) I usually can’t recognize anyone, or else I think everyone looks like someone else.
Bon Jovi - Wow. I used to think they were like the Rolling Stones and just shouted a lot, (I should probably listen to some RS CDs before making that judgment.) Fantastically catchy tunes. And I finally figured out Bon Jovi is not the same entity as Bjork. You learn something new everyday.
Wordcount: 454 (it’s exactly like writing essays, the wordcount just doesn’t seem to increase…)