Jan 15, 2005 01:11
So I'm going to make another montage again, this time of Rory/Logan -- Gilmore Girls, Rory's new love interest, (side note: when is TV2 going to televise it already?!) I'm going to be using Adobe Premiere this time... Hopefully, assuming the stupid program finishes downloading this century. Azureus says time remaining: 17h. Oh goody, 20 minutes ago it was 1d 8h.
I have discovered the world of renting videos. It's great, 5 for $10 at Blockbusters. But the store seems pretty small, so after I'm done with that place, I'm going to move next door to Video Ezy... Wish someone would built a Civics in the Mt Eden shopping centre.
I've borrowed: The Bourne Identity (The movie could have been great, except the lead actress is a cow. Matt Damon was great, looks chubby in cardigans though), I Capture the Castle (very faithful to the book, but so is Harry Potter 1&2, and we all know how that turned out. Read the book instead.), Fried Green Tomatoes (Very good. Very sad though. About the only movie I can remember that I cried frequently in. Chris O'Donnell as Buddy totally steals the show. Too bad he was only in it for five minutes. Plot kind of pointless.) Gone with the Wind and Dead Poets Society (Still to see. Kind of scared at how depressed it's going to be. I know GwtW ends tragically, and don't hold much hope for DPS. It's just a vibe.)
I have discovered violin music. I've also discovered I really like remixed violin music. Or really, really sad pieces. I like torturing my emotions, you see.
Anyway, stuff I've listened to so far:
Bond: Love them. Saw a music video of theirs on Winamp, OMG! Look at their violins! It's times like this I wished I could play-- Actually, I lied, I wish I could play all the time.
Edvin Marton: Discovered him when I was watching a performance of Evgeni Plushenko, (Figure Skater. Don't like him. I'm a glutton for punishments.) Favourite songs: Romeo & Juliet, Art on Ice (which is what Evegeni skated to.)
Ben Morrison: I was so shocked when I found out he was a NZer, 'cos usually, NZ products are covered in stickers notifying the customers. Too traditional, and the last track (Amazing Grace) totally ruined by a bizarre mixer of bagpipes (very screechy) and drums.
Duel: Can't really remember much, even if I listened to it just two days ago. Again, too traditional.