Apr 13, 2005 10:31
+ Got a bottle of tequila from Mexico with 2 worms from Rich
- Little black things from the worms are floating in it
- After last year, I hate tequila
+ I don't have to work this weekend
+ Trip to Silver Lake with new four wheelers
- It's going to be super cold
+ Did okay on acc. test work problems
- Bombed multiple choice section
+ Finished paper for bio
+ No work tomorrow so I can sleep in
- Haven't been sleeping well because I cram Phil into the wall and he tries to push me back onto my side
+ Sleeping with Phil
- We fight while we sleep
+ Got my car fixed
- Went temporarily broke paying for car
+ Get to drive Phil's nice truck
- How much it costs in gas to drive Phil's truck
Life....is so amazing right now....looking forward to this summer......