May 22, 2006 19:01
Things have gottin soo out of control i mean for you to have the balls to talk down to my dad like that is just crazy i mean you are LITTERALLY tearing my family apart i can't handle it you have nothing to do with me or nething in my life so why are u in it?...for you to come over today and pull that shit and actually lie to everyone and make them believe that i started shit so i could get is that ..all ne one has to do is go threw my myspace mail and they would know...idk myspace is just turning into another place for ppl to talk shit and start drama and it not to be to my sick of sick of you, im sick of myself , and im sick of having to explain myself to my family so much , and im sick of my family knowing everything about me and seeing me soo low...i just want to leave and go far far away and not ruin everything any more...fuck this shit!!