Cleavage Sweat Is Funny

Jan 31, 2005 19:21

Ok this is my convo with a guy from my video game. He is awesome.

Cleavage Sweat: wheres ur bro
StudlyHungwell87: hey just got home
StudlyHungwell87: he should be online in a few minutes
Cleavage Sweat: how u ?
Cleavage Sweat: heard the bad news
Cleavage Sweat: that sux ass
StudlyHungwell87: yeah i know
StudlyHungwell87: but i will get another computer sooner or later
Cleavage Sweat: maybe PF can pool some resources and piece-meal it
StudlyHungwell87: i would feel guilty
Cleavage Sweat: you always feel guilty
StudlyHungwell87: is till owe 80 bucks in donations in Nade'shonor
Cleavage Sweat: you feel guilty when you masterbate...
Cleavage Sweat: so whats new?
StudlyHungwell87: nah
StudlyHungwell87: not much
Cleavage Sweat: hahaha
StudlyHungwell87: ur a silly man
Cleavage Sweat: u still love me though right?
StudlyHungwell87: well of course
StudlyHungwell87: we go way back
Cleavage Sweat: what i'm saying is alot of us have spare parts
Cleavage Sweat: that don't mind parting with to help a fellow PFer
Cleavage Sweat: capiche?
StudlyHungwell87: i understand
StudlyHungwell87: but do u know what shipping is on a piece of machinery
Cleavage Sweat: i'm not certain you would need to be concerned witht hat
Cleavage Sweat: that
StudlyHungwell87: i think i would
StudlyHungwell87: well as of now
StudlyHungwell87: my parents are having comp talks
Cleavage Sweat: well just relax a little and lets see what ppl are willing to do for a fellow bretheren
StudlyHungwell87: so lets hold this off until i know for certain they ARENT getting one
Cleavage Sweat: understood
Cleavage Sweat: that's fair
StudlyHungwell87: ok
StudlyHungwell87: ill no probably in the next couple weeks
Cleavage Sweat: ok studmeister
StudlyHungwell87: thanks for the compliment
StudlyHungwell87: u are a studmeister as well
Cleavage Sweat: i like to play...
StudlyHungwell87: play what?
StudlyHungwell87: i hope ur talking video games here
Cleavage Sweat: 5 knuckle shuffle
StudlyHungwell87: lol
StudlyHungwell87: wow
Cleavage Sweat: lol
StudlyHungwell87: so hows the dating life going?
StudlyHungwell87: hows the bachlor bad?
StudlyHungwell87: pad?
Cleavage Sweat: after an 8 year relationship i ain't ready to jump in another one
StudlyHungwell87: just dibblin' dabblin in some sexual activity then?
Cleavage Sweat: yea. apparently alot of women at work find my cleavage quite fanciful
StudlyHungwell87: lol
StudlyHungwell87: ur a riot good sir
StudlyHungwell87: a laugh riot
StudlyHungwell87: i gotta get some food
Cleavage Sweat: k
StudlyHungwell87: u have a good night
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