Ho-Ley Shit guys! Well, bet you all thought I was dead huh? Wrong! I'm back bitches! Okay the thing with my absence was due to a few different things that I've illustrated in my blog on my other account (
0xfalloutgirlx0), so if you want the whole synopsis go check that out.
The main point is I've just had a lot going on and I've been too tired and haven't had the drive to draw for a while. But I just got this simple request from my beautiful, lovely and amazing Sarah (
licklicksalute1) of a sullen looking Pete sitting on a roof looking out on the world below. I'm not sure what the background story is about, but I'm sure she's got something cooked up in that prodigal brain of hers to go along with it. Dude, I fuckin love you so much for asking for such a simple lineart lol. I'm also sure she's gunna colour the hell out of this and make it look more amazing than I ever could, so be sure to check her out for that.
"Everything Looks Perfect From Far Away"
As I said in my blog, I'm really sorry for all the other things I promised people that I've yet to do. I still have a birthday drawing I told
cherierose I'd do for her that I've yet to finish, which is already waaaay past due lol. I swear I will get that done for you eventually. Also, my poor Dani and all the drawings I told her I'd draw for her amazing stories. Ugh, I'm gunna try my best to get to all those things as soon as I can. Also, this is probably a really bad time to be offering free commissions again, but I loved the lineart request because I'm sure a lot of you guys like colouring. I also get it done much faster, and I hate colouring lol. So if anyone has any LINEART requests they wanna throw my way, go for it. You just might have to be a bit patient with the time of completion.
Edit: Just fixed some things up that were bugging me.
Also, here's the amazing coloured version done by
licklicksalute1. Isn't it awsome! Fuck yeah it is! I love the background especially. But it's all awsome :) Hope you guys like it as much as I do. And be sure to go let her know how amazing she is.