What!? She drew something? And it's not Peterick? Patrick and Joe? What? Body hair? And a background!? What the hell is going on!!?
Ya ya, I know. I haven't drawn anything in a while cause I just really haven't been up to it, mainly cause of what's been going on lately in my life. But I recently saw
The Tin-Hat’s Guide to the Secret Love of Joe Trohman and Patrick Stump over at
fobficfinder and got inspired. Now, everyone knows I loves me some Peterick and they are my OTP, but I just couldn't ignore the blatant Patroh evidence shown by
icedmaple. So I checked out some of the fics and pictures and they really are quite adorable together. Like I've said before, I love Patrick so much I really could do him with anyone lol. And of course I love Joe too, he's such a cutie with his little lisp XD So I came up with this as a present to
icedmaple and her com
I don't know how many of these 'I watch you/touch you/play with your hair while you're sleeping' drawings I've done, but you can see there's a running theme with me lol. I dunno, I just like it. I think it's romantic. So ya anyway, Joe decides to go in for a little 'Midnight Grope' (sidebar: that was the original title I had lol) while his Patrick pretends to be sleeping soundly beside him. Hmmm, I think I know where this is going, and I'm already halfway there OH! (giggity)
I really really like how this turned out. It took me a few days to do. Even though it looks like I half-assed the colouring, I actually wanted it to be really dull and flat looking like that. And then I did a bit of a background, like kind of a crinkley, burnt paper type of thing. Whatever, everyone already knows I suck at colouring. K well I hope all the Patroh lovers like this :)
"Smile In Your Sleep"
Hey I sleep like that! Well...not with Joe leering over me....that'd be nice.
The title's a song by Silverstein. I don't know why I never thought of it until now lol. Ahahaha....I'm an idiot.