May 09, 2004 13:11
i'm getting myself so worked up about this ap bio exam tomorrow.
it's making me so stressed out, on top of having to write my history paper, and outlining my english paper.
i'm not in a very positive state of mind right now.
i didn't call bit this morning. it's not that i forgot, i just was so swamped with getting my paper started and not having writers block that i thought i would never have time to go to her house and mingle with she and the kittens.
even though it would've been much nicer than sitting on my ass writing all day.
actually, i did sit down on my bed for 5 minutes and fell asleep for an hour after driving to the gym and seeing that it was closed, and driving back and buying $.50 roses for my mom from these kids selling them on the side of the street.
this weekend has been kind of boring.
going down town with nicole yesterday was nice.
and we went to energy and i got a new nose stud. it's turquoise and summery.
pj and i talked a little bit about my tattoo. i'm excited to be 18. in what, a year and a month. OH NO.
brett, joey, alex, and i watched phone booth yesterday, and then ended up freaking ourselves out because the light in my car was on, but then just mysteriously went off when we went back out there. i was scared driving home.
my mom, brother, julie, and i are going to sf for memorial day. i'm excited. and i get to visit allan.
prom, next weekend, i hope my dress comes soon, and fits!!