this is my brother's friend, Jesse...I think he needs a little help.
buyanewlife is is LJ username... here is one of his posts...I was highly disturbed by this
It is a known FACT in science that our bodies were meant to last forever. Pretty much implicating that it's probably the same for our souls, since when we die, we do not reuse our bodies, but bury them. But as God being our creator in most eyes, why would he create such a being? A being that is immortal, when he himself wants us to live just to die and join him once again? Is it possible that God has messed up in creating the world? God is nonetheless perfect, is he not? Did he suddenly realize that it would create mass distruction if human beings were immortal? I think not, because if there is a God, he IS perfect. He IS flawless. He does not and will not misuse his power because of this flawlessness. It is said in SCIENCE, where all facts become everyday reality, that our bodies are not meant to die. God created all sciences so WHY WOULD GOD HAVE DONE THIS? HE IS OUR LEADER, OUR FATHER. Because he is not there. simple as that, that is the answer. Could Christianity possibly be overpowering our settled scientific facts and getting in the way of our knowledge? Our knowledge we can actually SEE in merely everything around us. Our knowledge that has always been with us, helping us through every possible predicament we've ever experienced? Is God always there helping you, or could it be your own knowledge mistaken for "God"? Could the human race be too focused on death and God that we have forgotten the scientific truth? I believe so. Christianity is just a comfort. God is the equivilent to our beloved Santa Clause. He makes life seem better, more magical. Christianity is turning people into pitiful, lazy beings. Instead of helping themselves and others in time of need, they PRAY. They pray hoping God will help them get out of the awful situation they've gotten themself into. In my opinion and personal view, I think it is time to let go of God, because if he ever exsisted, we've killed him with our own truths and unmentionable faults.