Jan 05, 2005 20:38
Name: Fallon
Single or taken: single at the current second
Sex: Female
Birthday: december 3rd 1987!
Sign: Sagatarius
Siblings: Brian, Brittany (half) sean, jeff (step) - wow half step haha
Hair color: brown/red, but to carlie's dad i used to be the girl with the strawberry blonde hair before i had a name
Eye color: i've always thought they were brown but i think they're more hazel/amber
Shoe size: 8 and 1/2 or 9
Height: 5'4''
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: not currently
Did your crush send this to you?:nope i stole it from trav's journal because i'm so bored and need something to do.
Do you do drugs?: some
What kind of shampoo do you use? loreal vive
What are you listening to right now?: under pressure by keller williams!
Who is the last person that called you?: alex
Where do you want to get married?: on martha's vineyard
How many buddies are online right now?: 46
What would you change about yourself?: i wish i had more self-esteem
Color: Green
Food: brownies and mine are ready now :)
Boys name:
Girls name:
Animals: my puppy and kitty
Sports: volleyball and flag fucking football
HaVe yOu EvEr...
given anyone a bath?: yes i think some of my little cousins
smoked?: yes on many occasions
bungee jumped?: no
made yourself throw up?: yes..but it only worked one out of the like 3 times in life that i tried to do it.
skinny dipped?: yes
been in love?: yes
made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: of course
pictured your crush naked?: how could i not?
actually seen your crush naked?: No?
cried when someone died?: yes. death is a very sad thing i don't want to think about it.
lied: oh i am the lying champ
fallen for your best friend?: Yeah
been rejected?: yes.
rejected someone?: probably but i can't remember
used someone?: Yes
done something you regret?: nope. i'm over my regrets because they've all become learning experiences
clothes: ripped jeans, red sox t-ball shirt, and a blue hoodie
music: strawberry field forever by the beatles
make-up: face powder, white sparkly stuff on my eyes and mascara. and i might have put blush on today too i think
annoyance: homework
smell: brownies
favorite group: too hard to choose
desktop picture: john mayer
cd in player: pshhh i got itunes on random
dvd in player: i believe ren and stimpy is in there
color of toenails: natural
LasT pErSoN you...
touched: my mom but if it doesnt have to be a person it was my dog
hugged: scott
you imed: heather
you yelled at: my mom
you kissed: i'm not going to give away my entire personal life ;)
wHo dO yOu WaNnA
kill: give peace a chance..really.
slap: slapping someone is not all its cracked up to be
look like: kate hudson
talk to offline: my love
talk to online: my love
in the morning I am: oh so tired
all i need is: music and a good friend
love is: what i live for
i dream about: well last night i had dream that i saw green day in concert, for some reason i think it was in lordship and then later on i was talking to billie joe armstrong online
wHiCh iS BeTTeR
coke or pepsi: coke but i don't really like soda
flowers or candy: flowers-preferably daisy 'cause they're my favorite :)
tall or short: just right
OpPoSiTe SeX
what do you notice first: obviously looks b/c its the first thing you see, but then its definetly the eyes
last person you slow danced with: paul
makes you laugh the most: oh god everyone is hilarious in their own ways
makes you smile: you know who you are
changed so much: travis
who do you have a crush on: i think its pretty obvious
who has a crush on you: is it obvious?
is easiest to talk to: paul
dO yOu EvEr
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: not all night i get bored after about 15 mins
save conversations: god yes
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: just for a day. i would definetly wack off. or have sex. or both
wish you were younger: yes so i could have an excuse for immaturity
Cried because someone said something to you?: yes
of times I have had my heart broken:hmmm... broken hearts can be mended but once
number of hearts I have broken?: i probably have and im sorry
number of guys I've kissed: 12 i think
anyone for certain reasons: love, attraction, being horny, for fun
of girls I've kissed: 2
of continents I have lived in: 1
of tight friends: a few
of cds I own: a shit load but not enough
of things that I regret: no regrets
gold or silver: silver
what was the last film you saw at the movies?: The Life Aquatic
what did you have for breakfast this morning?: granola bar
who would you love being locked in a room with?: ;)
would you color your hair?: nope i like it
could you ever get off the computer?: maybe
habla espanol?: pequeno
how many people are on your buddy list?: 94
drink alcohol?: yes when its in my possession
like watching sunrises or sunsets?: yes very much. they both have their own different beauties about them. but watching a sunrise makes me feel very accomplished b/c its so early and the world is so peaceful.