yes, yes, its been forever i know. ive been soooooooo lazy. story of my life. to make up for it i changed the background and im gunna post some pictures...
**if anyone knows how to do a lj cut please let me know**
a really werid picture i took of myself when i was trying to use up the rest of the film in my camera. haha!
liz and me. lol liz is doing her stripper pose...
me at lunch a couple weeks ago. my hair looks really werid and pointy in the back. i dont really pull it up that much cuz its really a hassle sence i have layers
lol me and jessica @ krispy kreme. haha dont ask....
liz is a firm believer in the atkins diet. haha
liz and jessica @ the carolina football game. i took it w/ my phone so its kinda small. lol it was after the game and we won so we stayed to party and its like empty in the stadium.
speaking of carolina football.....WE GOT STEVE SPURRIER!!!!! im soooo happy! hes such a great coach. everyone is expecting the gamecocks to turn into a huge national powerhouse now!!! spurrier will bring in some good recruits which god knows we need.
ok sry that was my little sports talk for the day. so anyway tia invited me to go to the atlanta falcons game sunday! this is my first NFL game. lol apperently she knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody who has connections. lol anyway they are playing new orelans. the falcons are ok but my favorite pro team is the steelers. they rock! FINALLY! ive been a fan for forever. my dad is from pittsburg.
i was doing my daily web surfing and came across some videos of a competition my squad went to! its pretty nifty. a couple of my squads are on there but i dont think i myself am. its perfect to look at if you dont think competative cheerleading is a sport(which it most definetly IS) go there. video 2 has the ACX (my gym's) pee wee squad on it. its just short clips tho. video 7 has my squad on it too. the acx senior coed intermediate. video 10 has the same squad. but my personal favorite is video 14. that has the ACX open squad on it and we were AWESOME! i competed on that squad too.
anyone wearing uniforms like that in the video are part of my gym!
well im about to go! ill write again soon!