November Meetup Pics!

Nov 12, 2006 18:56

These are possibly some the WORST photos I've ever taken at a doll meet. It was cloudy, and windy... and after it got dark, I had to deal with crappy indoor lighting... so my appologies in advance for any horrible photos underneath the cut.

I managed to prune it down to 110 photos. Yes, that's AFTER pruning. Heaven forbid I ever get a bigger memory card for my camera...

Somebody's Obitsu... I don't know whose... T_T

My mom's Nikki.

tamayaki's Tsukasa & withlove_castor's doll whose name I don't remember because she's changed it 3 times. ^^;; Rylan.

tamayaki's Syuusuke. He holds a pose so nicely. <3

Seth getting grabby with saishuuressha's sleeping vampire elf Yder... who may or may not have a name? Maybe?

More of the Obitsu...

withlove_castor holding titterwings' Clemency... who is doing Michael Jackson's Thriller dance. X3

You know its thriiiiiiiiiiiller, thriller night....

More Seth/Yder grabby hands.

Adorable sibling portraits... Edan & Seth. That's possibly the softest face I've ever seen Seth photograph. I guess he really loves his little brother. <3

Nikki & Aoife.

Obitsu & animex99's Sakura.

Sakura again... and the DD Cheryl that is being begfited to somebody's mother... saishuuressha's mom, I think...

saishuuressha's Ahiru & titterwings' Kurogane.

yuki_chan615's Zach.

Kurogane again.

Moooooooooore Nikki...

My Aoife showing off her bikini. <3

Seth doing... god knows what. X3 I'm pretty sure I have either tamayaki or elle_hazard to blame for this.

yuki_chan615's Mia.

queenkatasha's Demeter.

queenkatasha's Amon.... mmmm... I want a Danbi so bad now. T_T

Seth being grabby with Amon...

More of Clemency...

Seth getting grabby with Demeter... X3

One lone shot of yuki_chan615's Reiji...

yuki_chan615's Loki & Nikki. It moderately disturbs me that her head is so much larger...

And in the process of taking all these photos, I believe I've managed to scare lokaichan away from the BJD fandom forever. XD XD The group did get very squealy and loud after Nicole showed up. X3 I should bring krishna21 to more meetups. She might actually enjoy it a bit more.


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