Dudes, we're working with a very cool device today!! It totally looks like something out of an episode of Stargate!!! (But infinitely less cool than that, you know, only much much cooler than the usual devices we get to work with.) It measures the rate of photosynthesis in green leaves, which is interesting, but the best part is that it has GLASS TUBES on the side, filled with MULTI-COLORED CRYSTALS that TURN A DIFFERENT COLOR WHEN THEY'RE DEPLETED just like a ZPM!!! (I wish the colors in the photo were better, the crystals are very pretty when they catch the light.) The orange ones turn black, and the blue ones turn pale yellow. Very very cool... it also makes an ominous wet ticking noise when it's turned on... The only difference is that if this was an episode of Stargate Sam Carter would show up and *make the damn thing work*. Grrr. Our radish leaf is currently photosynthesizing at a negative rate... (Which is possible, I think, but shouldn't be happening when it's in full light.)