If you haven't, go
HERE and do so!! Right now!! (If you're a gay or bi lady. Dude. Why do straight people keep voting? Where in 'A list of who lesbian/bisexual women find attractive' does it say 'vote, straight people!' It even says "heterosexual men and women still dominate the discussion about who and what is attractive". Am I overreacting if that annoys me?)
I finally, after a couple of days of moving people around and pulling my hair, managed to narrow the lists down to 10+5+5+5 (they've made it difficult this year, you can vote for your Hot 10, and then for 5 Hot Women of Color, 5 Hot Women Over 40, and 5 Hot Out Women), but lots of lovely people got left off, as always when there are lists to be made.
I spent the better part of the afternoon looking at lovely pictures, and composed little collages of Fa's Currently Hottest Women, which are posted under the following cut. (Can you tell I have a thing for brunettes with luxurious hair that just begs to have fingers run through it?)
Can you name them all?