May 04, 2005 21:18
This is the end of Dave's little two day vacation at home with me. We are making dinner and renting some videos and playing snuggle bunny woowoos. haha. David plays guitar, like really good jazz/blues rock, BUT! Dave has only played by himself, and has no sense of time when playing along with others. Ive been trying to teach him how to stay in time... reverting back to band geek days with "ti ti ta" crap, haha. Even got a little metronome... We are practicing I am a Revanant by the Distillers. Thats a cool ass song and Ive always wanted to cover it, but my lover needs to learn how to play along with me! Itll be fun having someone to play with on a regular basis...besides dirty things...haha. Well... I need a bath... I think Im starting to smell like him... strange... Do couples tend to smell alike after a while? Hahahaha! ...Not that its a bad smell... Im just used to my axe smell... heh.