Oh Mary Anne!

May 30, 2005 13:35

Im coming home today guys, I really hope you home when we get there Ashliegh!!! If not we'll just poke around Lexington until thou hast calldeth moi. Last night dave put on this wig and started crawling across the floor like the woman on The Grudge, lmao! I wish I had a video camera... So many funny moments... Ill miss my angel, for a whole month...it seems so long... On our Anniversary last Wednesday we exchanged our presents and went to Ruby Tuesdays and got some Smirnoff Vanilla Twist Vodka and watched movies. It was lovely, like a dream. I got him Standing By the Sea, by the Cure and I wrote and recorded him a love song and made him a nudie picture book of me. He got me Legend, The Grudge, and Buddah, by blink 182. We had a really good time.
I had a really good time with him last night. Reminded me of how much I love him. He really is a great person. I wish he could be with me down in KY... Ill miss him too much. :( I LOVE YOU DAVE!!!!!!
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