Aug 29, 2004 09:19
[PART I] About You...
+ Name: Audra
+ sex: female
+Age: 17
+ Location: smithtown
+ Religion: catholic
+ Height: 5'6" :)
+ Shoe Size: 8-8.5
+ Hair color: dark brown
+ Eye color: bluuue
+ Fears: after scary movies theres no helping me.
[PART II] Have You Ever...
+ Peed your pants? not that i remember. probably though.
+ Cheated on someone? never.
+ Fallen off the bed? hahah of course. 100% spaz.
+ Fallen for a relative? gross.
+ Had plastic surgery? naaah.
+ Broke someone`s heart? i hope not.
+ Had your heart broken? mhm.
+ Had a dream come true? very much so.
+ Done something you regret? yes.
+ Cheated on a test? of course, who hasn't?
+ Broken a body part? nah. knock on wood =-O
[PART III] Currently
+ Wearing? a white tank top & my black comfy pants that i wear 24/7.
+ Listening to? tbs - new american classic.
+ Eating? nothing. hahha that's a first
+ Feeling? nauseous. [spellcheck]
+ Reading? this thinger.
+ Located? family room. or den or whatever the hell you call it.
+ Chatting with? it's 920 in the morning. only insane people are up ..which is kristin. <3
+ Watching? nada
+ Craving? baageeeellssss
+ Should REALLY be doing? getting ready for work
[PART IIII] Do you...
+ Brush your teeth? twice a day
+ Like anybody? yeess
+ Have any piercing? errrm 2 & 3 in ears.
+ Drive? i love my mazda tribute :) :)
+ Believe in Santa Clause? uh huh. <3
+ Smoke? naasty.
+ Drink? nah
+ Got a cellphone? mhmm
[PART V] Friends...
+ Who is your very best? steffer --> of course my ccit-ers. <3
+ Who is the loudest? mayerrr hahah i love her for it.
+ Who is the shyest? nobodys shy at all with me, but in big groups i guess i'd have to say kai or ash?
+ Who is the most talkative? deanna. hahah
+ Who laughs the most? we all laugh like it's our job.
+ Who have you known the longest? kt!! :) she showed me where the special unicorn was in preschool.
+ Who have you known the shortest? vinnnyyyy
+ Who do you miss the most? kaitlin brookes. + Who do you turn to for personal problems? ccit-ers.
+ Do you only hang out with a certain type? naaaahh
+ Do you belong to a crew? sgvst [go ahead and laugh you know you're jealous<3] ccit & aberrrcrombiee creww :).
+ Do you hang out with the opposite sex? of courseee.
+ Do you consider yourself POPULAR? nah i'm a nerd. :)
+ Do you trust your friends? so important.
+ Are you a good friend? i hope so.
+ Can you keep a secret? absolutely.
[PART VI] The last person you...
+ Hugged? my mom. :)
+ Gave props? hahaha i gave kristin props last night for being a strong person.
+ Talked to on the phone? vinny
+ Yelled at? i think my mom :(
+ Checked out? whaaaaat kind of question is that
+ Fell in love with? he knows.
+ Tripped On? my own feet in abercrombie & fell into the lockers. hahahaha<3
+ What do you want to be when you grow up? teacher? i have no clue at all.
+ What was the worst day of your life? there have been a few. rip.papa <3 12/7/99
+ What is your most embarrassing story? oh god. which one to choose is the better question.
+ What has been the best day of your life? there's been mannyyy.
+ What comes first in your life? family & my bests.
+ Turn ons? makes me laugh until it hurts, good personality, nice eyes & a cute smile.
+ Turn offs? smoking smelling bad & being arrogant
+ What are you most scared of? not telling :-x
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? back of my head.
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? every single thing.
+ Did you lose someone you really loved? i hate cancer. + How many times have you fallen deeply in love? once.
+ Love your family? of course
+ Love your friends? foreverrrr
+ Have you fought? with who? wtf.
+ What are you addicted to? summer & soccer.
+ Want to move? no way. i <3 ny.
[PART VIII] Favorite...
+ Movie: honey!! hahaha. soso pathetic. but i can't think of any others right now.
+ Song: i really don't know. i love so many
+ Group: i can't narrow it down.
+ Singer: " "
+ Store: i really don't have a favorite store. it used to be h&m.
+ Relative: i love them all, but i'd be insanely lost without my mom.
+ Sport: soccer. surprising, i know.
+ Vacation Spot: dominican republic!! <3 especially when you've got your best friend there with you. ..& fish that bite. >:[.
+ Ice Cream Flavor: strawberry/cookies & creme. <3.
+ Fruit: strawberries.
+ Candy: receses peices & sour gummy worms.
+ Food: aaah. my mom's homemade sauce & pasta. jfkld;sjlfds <3<3<3<3.
+ Car: my mazda :)
+ Class: english. how nerdy.
+ Holiday: christmas.
+ Day of the Week: friday. payday. :P
+ Color: orangeeeee!!! :)
+ Magazine: eh. seventeen?
+ Name for a Girl: arianna
+ Name for a Boy: im not suuure.
+ Favorite spot for a date: definitely the beach.
+ Favorite spot for an anniversary: somewhere hooot. ;)
+ Favorite resturant: baja. <3<3.
+ McDonalds: fries = amazing.
+ Burger King: negative.
+ In and Out: sure.
+ Wendy's: true love.
[PART IX] Do you...
+ Like to give hugs? mhm. :)
+ Like to give kisses? yeees.
+ Like to walk in the rain? i love running in the rain
+ Prefer black or blue pens? black. how weird
+ Dress up on Halloween? you haftaaaa
+ Have a job? abercrombie kids foreverrr
+ Like to travel? yeaaa
+ Like someone? uh huh
+ Sleep on your side, tummy or back? sideee.
+ Think you're attractive? boo.
+ Want to get married? yeeeea
+ Have a goldfish? not now. ;(
+ Ever have the falling dream? thats the freaking worst.
+ Have stuffed animals? yeeeaa
+ Go on vacation? yeees :D
[PART X] What do you think about...
+ Abortion: depends on the situation.
+ Bill Clinton: gross.
+ Smoking: nasty.
+ Suicide: not the answer to anything.
+ Summer: my life.
+ Tattoos: depends of what & where.
+ Piercing: depends where.
+ Make-up: personally, i think it makes people look worse.
[PART XI] This or that...
+ Pierced nose or tongue? nose. kriisstttinn
+ Single or taken? both.
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? dawson's creek forever
+ Sugar or salt? suuuggaarr :)
+ Silver or gold? to wear --> silver, to win --> gold. ;)
+ Chocolate or flowers? i'm such a sucker for flowers.
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? both.
+ M&M's or Skittles? skittles
+ Stay up late or sleep in? stay up lateeee
+ Hot or cold? definitely hot.
+ Sun or moon? sun :)
+ Left or Right? riighhtt
+ 10 Acquaintances or one best friend? one best friend. no 2nd thoughts
+ Mustard or ketchup? ketchup
+ Spring or Fall? spring
+ Give or receive? give.
+ Happy or sad? always happy<3
+ Wonder or amazement? amazement
+ McDonald's or Burger King? weendys
+ Mexican or Italian food? italian forever.
+ Lights on or off? mmm. how off :[
+ Candy or soda? caaandy.
+ Pepsi or Coke? diet coke. <3