Sep 07, 2006 06:05
Good morning ladies and gents. It's been a few days, and there's been a really good reason.
I've been in the hospital giving birth to my son, 3 months early.
Friday night I was up all night vomiting, not able to keep water down. I thought that I had a stomach virus, or something. So I called the doctor in the morning, and she suggested i come to the hospital, where she was doing rounds, and she'd check me. She thought I had the flu, too. I called my mom to get her to drive me, when I started going blind. This was really scary, by the end, when my mom came, i was having long moments of blindness and disorientation. I didn't know what room I was in, or where I was, but i tried to hide it from my mom. I attributed that to not being able to eat for awhile and all the vomiting. I got to the hospital, I was fully blind. They sent me in for a urine test and that's when the seizures that i had been getting (the reason I was disoriented) went full on. i don't remember a big chunk from there, but apparently they dragged me out of the bathroom, got me on a table and were trying desperately to stabilize me for awhile. From my point of view, I was giving the sample, and all of a sudden I was laying on a table with what seemed like a million people around me, all poking, jabbing, or asking questions. I stabilized though, and the spouse got there, and they took me into surgery. They had to take my son at 27 weeks, because I had full on eclampsia. So i was right about my previous diagnosis that they ignored me on. But, he's alive, and he's beautiful, and his dad and I adore him more than I ever thought it possible. I got released from the hospital yesterday, but there's stil a bunch of healing to do. C section cuts are VERY inconvenient for moevement, let me just say. But back to my baby. :) (My favorite, and most heartbreaking subject right now)... He's doing well, he's in an incubator in the nicu (neonatal intensive care unit)... he's not going to be out for awhile, since he was so early, so if anyone wants to guess where I'll be in my free time from now until Thanksgiving, I'll give them an extra hint and point at the hospital. He's absolutely beautiful, though. I'll be posting pictures when I can get them scanned in. I'm also making up a website for him, so that friends and family can just click on and see him and see how he's doing. Last night was a really great night for him -- they put him on the same air mix that we use (usually it's higher, makes it easier for them to get what they need out of it), and he was off what I call the glow-light, which was nice, because we got to watch him without the little eye mask on. He opened his eyes yesterday and we got a beautiful picture of his face. :) I also have to laugh and admit we got a picture of them changing his diaper, too. (yes, he is a boy!:))
It's hard, it really is... I'm so overwhelmed by emotions at this point.. it kills me to know my baby's not with me all the time, it's hard being able to look at him and not hold him yet... it's hard loving something this much. I never knew just to what extent I'd feel this