It's been a long while..

Mar 23, 2013 13:51

Jeez..I really havn't posted here in a good while. I will be sure to fix that soon! I actually thought about posting all the time but I either got too tired or too busy to do so, but now that things are calming down a bit (hopefully, I'll start trying to post more).

A small bit of what I been up too since I am actually at work:

. New apartment is almost finished being unpacked. Theres still a bit to go, but I need more storage space first.
. Sakuracon next week!! I am charging for my shoots this year and I am AMAZED by all the people who signed up, I am actually FULL on all four days!! O__O I also managed to get two small cosplays done in time, I am sensing this year will be epic Sakuracon wise.
. My fiance got a job!! He's a security guard for the show Grimm, how cool is that?! He also does security for other places as well.
. Finally got my girls (my BJDs) put away on their shelves. Now that spring has hit, I really want to take Rosalie to the Rose Gardens for a shoot..I need to do that soon.

. And probably the biggest thing, I am finally taking Felina to get her faceup done. :) She will be going to Sakuracon with me and safetly delivered in the arms of my good friend Ana, who is is not only going to give her an awsome faceup, but body blush her as well. I must say, I am still a bit nervous. I trust Ana like no tomorrow with Felina, but I have never left Felina with ANYONE before. D: So this is what it feels like..
But I am seriously excited by the fact she's getting it all done, pretty soon Felina will be back in business to have shoots with, YAY!! <3 <3

Hope everyone else if having a nice and safe day/night!! <3 :)

photo-shoots, ball joint doll, sakuracon 2013, bjd

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