In which the writer is today's bad guy.. Or so it feels..

Dec 02, 2012 19:23

So today has probably been one of the worst days of this week, I mean I had a couple this week, but this one nearly takes the cake. 
I am not going to share all the details with you, but I'll give a small look into it all.

I finally decided to see my dad today, which I havn't seen or talked too since the incident. I was thinking this was all going to go well, that we wouldn't talk about it, and that he would be really happy to hear that one of my room-mates and I both got jobs, especially that I manage to get one since he freaked out about that most. 
It didn't even take us to get out of the entry way to the apartments and he was already starting a heated argument. Jobs he didn't care about, he just kept going on and on about putting all money away, nothing else, and things about my fiance, untrue things, that I had to argue back about. By the time we got to the store, an errand I needed to do for the day, he had said something VERY hurtful and I took off in the rain, only to have him yelling at me to get come back. I had given up on trying to talk to him calmly about anything and settled with just not speaking at all. He calmed down after awhile but I didin't even bother to try and say anything. It was really stupid. When we returned my fiance apologized to him about the incident, something we completely didn't have to do since we were not in the wrong, and he just brushed it off. 
He finally sent a text saying he was proud about my job and would see me the next weekend over, but by then I was already in a bad mood.

So I distract myself by helping my fiance clean the apartment, as usual. The day before I had gone through a lot of old clothes and put off stuff I wanted to keep but needed to lose weight for, and stuff that I plan on either selling or getting rid of. It ended up being a long task that just killed my self confidence over and over, but I figured today why not finish what I started. So I cleaned the cat box and worked on all the drawers in my bathroom, organizing stuff, taking out the dirty laundry, waking up one of my other room-mates, and then going back to working on my part of the bedroom. I turned on my comp and blasted my music, and tried to get rid of the bad mood from earlier. 
But as if that wasn't enough earlier, we get a knock on our door and the new neighbor from downstairs is down there, telling my fiance how he would appreciate it if he we could walk quieter at night. I could hear his voice, and he wasn't trying to be mean, but this annoyed the hell out of me, mostly because I was in a bad mood from earlier and also because this was the new neighbor who decided to do EVERYTHING between 9pm-5am, which included drilling when he moved in (at 4am), yelling (or "talking really loud") in his bedroom, which is right below mine, turning on his loud ass bathroom fan and leaving it on, blasting music, and much more. Hell, I can even hear him walk around. I considered reporting him before for all this, but never have because I am use to loud apartments and the last people under us before him were a couple with kids who spent all their time screaming and crying and I never said a word. Yet this guy told us to walk quietly, which sure, I can do, and I will do it, but it annoys me he had the guts to come and tell us that when I havn't said a WORD about all his noise, and he's on the second floor, so OF COURSE he should expect to hear walking! Hell I can hear him walk, I can hear my neighbors on both sides up here walking, hell I can hear when people are going up and down the stairs. Your always going to hear walking in an apartment. 
So because I was in a bad mood about this and annoyed, I posted up a rant, in which it immediatly got called stupid by my fiance and room-mate, so I took it down, and it started some stupid ass argument between my room-mate and I, which I didn't even WANT or mean to do, in which I immediatly once again, just pissed someone else off. Which really fucking sucks seeing as this is my last day of my weekend, and I just wanted to sit with my room-mate, RP a bit, write a little, and watch a damn movie. Now I am going to be sitting here alone soon and just trying not to be depressed about this fucking day and all the things I been called this week from.. just about well everyone I hold close. This exactly how I wanted to end my weekend before I go to back to work for the week.. But I can't talk since this really is just my faut..
And of course, once again, no money to get myself to work, and I refused to let my dad buy me a bus pass because before he even tried he bitched about spending money. Told him I'll get one later. Though at $100 for a one month that's questionable if I will. 
Least I like work so far right now, the customers are mature, and easy to work with, though I get left out much more easy at this job then the last one.

I kinda want to take a bath, but I don't want to clean the tub. :/ I am tired of all this cleaning now.. I don't even have a appetite..ugh..

Neighbor is playing some weird drumming music downstairs, and keeps dropping something heavy, so I am not going to attempt to sleep. Too early anyways, I'll probably just lay there.

This is a pretty pointless rant in the end..-sigh- Just feels like one of those nights were I hate myself.. :/

Sorry for the rant everyone..trying to get myself into a better mood now.

Hope everyone else is having a nice and safe night/day. 

bad day, life, family, issues

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