Apr 17, 2012 16:06
First of all, hi LIVEJOURNAL, it's been awhile, a long while, what has happened since I last posted? Well Sakuracon..concerts..birthdays..ect.. but I will write about them later, or another time, for now I am feeling the mood to write about something that's bothering me as of today..Jobs.
So a couple days ago, I got a call from some man about a job, only I couldn't understand him at all, and after listening to the voice message several times, I figured out his name is Ron, and he works at Staff Finders, and was interesting in making me a recruiter.
My mom encouraged me to give them a call to see what the job was all about, so today I did.
First, the guy who answered said I was not in their database at all.
Then, the guy said there was no one who worked there name Ron.
He then transfered me to another guy.
This guy said I was in their database.
He also said he doesn't understand how I was called by a guy who doesn't even exsist there.
He then set up a interview for me for some sourcer, recruiter job for tomorrow at 3.
I am just.. idk. Diffrent reactions.
My first is, is this fishy? I mean, they didn't even find ME in the database at first, and how was I called by someone who does not work there? I checked the voice message more then once, he is definitley saying his name is Ron.
Second of all, I am not sure..if I want to do sourcing.
EVerytime I been in the sourcing career, it was either for family members, or family friends, so when I started getting lost or very confused in my job, people were always willing to help, because we knew each other.
This company won't be like that, they'll expect me to know everything about this and truth is..I don't feel like I do, at all. I feel like I won't be able to give them the quality work they want because really, let's admit it, I am still a trainee sourcer, I have not been in this long enough to be considered a proffesional at it. Yeah, I can find people very well for any job, but I can't call them, I can't explain what jobs are about to them. More often then not, I don't even understand the jobs I am looking for..just what they want.
I just..idk. I feel this company is fishy, and I feel I don't have the skills.
It's weird. I can't explain it.
Plus..it's not something I want to do.. not that THAT'S an excuse..
I hope everyone else is having a nice and safe day/night.