Mar 09, 2010 14:54
Lately my adorable Felina and I are having issues. Or really, it's not her at all, it's me. I have been feeling uninspired since we moved. I think of a few ideas, and I do them, and some shots turn out good but..idk. Theres not much outside I can take her too, at least no where that a obvious car or apartment won't be sticking out, and the only source of a nearby good outside photography area for her is..blocked off. By a rather long and huge chained gate (not that it says no trespassing..though I think a padlock is self explanitory).
Then theres issues like she STILL needs to be sueded, she needs her body blush, her earring, her actual hair, and her cat eyes (as well as normal eyes). Some days I look at her and see my adorable Felina, other days I look at her and see..a Dollzone limited Shoyo. :S Then theres the issue with it's just her. I try hard to save up for others from my book, her friends and such, but you know how hard it is to do that when you just move and your job has you work for 2-3 hours..
People say a doll can't change it's expression, but BJDs seem to be able too somehow..and Felina is looking more pouty and moody then ever.. :S
Then theres an issue with..idk..I should KNOW that my photography is good, but somehow I do not right now. Not when I look at my friends photos and stuff. Their all brillant, and mine is..idk..I just don't. :S
I really need a Macro lens, I love my normal but I just need a nice lens, but idk if that will do it either.. -sigh-
How do you get out of this lack of insperation..I hate feeling like crap about my own stuff but seriously..I love this photography and this hobby, and it hurts that I can sit here and wonder if I should..quit.
Hope everyone else is having a safe and nice day/night.
dollzone limited shoyo,
ball joint doll,
orignal character,
i don't know,
lack of insperation,
cat girl