Jul 24, 2009 23:14
Yep, my wonderful fiance and I took off on a camping trip on an island, which is mostly farming land out there, where a friend of his owns acres of land, including a lake just ever the hill in their giant back yard. We camped near the lake and had a BLAST. Just my fiance and me, which is a first, because usually I camp in groups. We did quite a few things out there and had a great time. It was just the getaway I needed to lower some of my anxiety/ depression whatever. ^__^ I love my man so much!! I couldn't ask for a better fiance. <3 <3
I'll post a bigger entry on it tomorrow, maybe even with some pics, but right now it's too late, lol.
Hope everyone had a safe, wonderful past 2 days and a great night tonight!! :D