(no subject)

Dec 24, 2004 01:31

(x)been drunk
(x)been high
(x)kissed opposite sex
(x)kissed same sex
(_)crashed a car
(_)been to japan
(_)ridden in a taxi
(x)been dumped
( )been fired or laid off
( )been in a fist fight
(x)snuck out
(_)ever had a crush on sum1 the same sex
(_)ever dated sum1 of the same sex
(x)had feelings for sum1 who didn't have them back
(x)been arrested
(x)made out w/ a stranger
(x)stole sumthin from my job (Batting cages=best job ever)
( )been to new york city more then once
(_)gone on a blind date
( )crush on a teacher
(_)celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
(_)been to europe
(x)skipped school
(_)cut myself on purpose
(_)been married
(_)been divorced
(_)had children
(_)seen sum1 die
(_)been to africa
(x)punched a friend
(_)been to canada
(_)been to mexico
(x)been on a plane
(_)seen the rocky horror picture show
(_)thrown up in a bar
( )purposely set a part of myself on fire
( )eaten sushi
(_)been snowboarding
(_)met sum1 in person from the internet
(_)been moshing at a concert
(_)had real feelings for sum1 u knew only online
(x)been in an abusive relationship
(_)been pregnant or got sum1 pregnant
(_)lost a child
(_)gone to college
(_)graduated college, community
(x)had sexual intercourse of any kind
(_)tried killing urself
(x)taken painkillers
(x)love someone or miss someone right now

  bah-so today EVERYONE and there fuckin mother pissed me off. i knew i shouldnt have come to school. ok so its raining out, and i walkin the building with my hat on, and it like is covering my ears. and i walk to the libery to for 1st pd, and that BITCH mrs. lasota-grabs my arm and goes. "do u understand english, i told you to take your hate off" and i was like "sorry i didnt hear you." and she goes " yea u did" and " i was  like not ACTUALLY i didnt, so why dont u calm down"..fuckin bitch-GRRRR, she is on a fuckin power trip cuz her dirty ass got promoted from spanish teacher to like asst. admin. fuck you! ( i swear all spanish teachers are bitches) then i was on the computer, and i checked my mail, cuz well i had no idea what was goin on in SOC, and the bald libearin comes up to me, and stares at me and points at the screen, and was like. AHEM, so i clicked off my mail,  and she says to stephanie--"oh see thats power i dont even have to do anything and she corrects herself" OK Bitch ur a fuckin liberian at a highschool--oh u have power-fag. SO i decided i cant take paint branch or there staff any longer, so i skip 2nd (even tho mrs. palon is cool)with carolina and go get breakfest @ starbucks. yum. then we played the dating game in psych..and i got picked...haha ya. the fuckin biotech.i  turn in my summary, and mrs. ulinicy(who i USUALLY like) is like WHoa this is a week late. i was um, iv had broncitous all week, i was only here for one day last week. and she was like so.. i was like i dont only have your classes work to do, and i had to do the hw u already assigned and make up work for 6 other classes...a nd she is like FINE. ok bitch i was on my fuckin death bed. ARGH THIS RIGHT HERE IS THE REASON I FUCKIN HATE PEOPLE, and why i cant wait to get outtaaaa here.  the only thing that made my day was Mr.Cohan&Mrs. Sanders 1) cuz well Mr. Cohan was being hilaroous today, i lvoe that man sometimes--hes so bitter and sarcastic, like me. 2)Mrs.Sanders cuz SHE IS MY LOVE, and i got to play with her kids, plus she got me  a star bucks giftc ard for xmas..the way to my HEART, plus she loved my scarf i got her<3

tonite was kinda a blower--i didnt get trashed, but i suppose there time for that later. i hung around wills gpas w/ kim jacque will, matt and ellen. i really like ellen, and i can see her being a good friend of mine later. she so nice. her and matt are CUTE!=)

so well i think im gonan go to bed, but b4 i go, im lookin for ONE more school in North CArolina to apply to... i dont know why, but i have this feeling im not getting in to elon, and i want to have another option.
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