(no subject)

Dec 15, 2004 19:21

ps. i wanna send a big FUCK YOU to everyone in this world who judge and discriminate against other people without even trying to know them first. everyone who is like that needs to be strangled and hung.

^stolen from lou--

so basically i wish i could send that to wills parents along with a note saying "Congrads- uv offically forced 2 kids to move out of ur house there SR year. maybe its not them..maybe its because u two couldnt be worse parents if you tired. seriously, u two are so SELF CENTERED..WEAK. NARROW MINDED, and just ignorant, and not to mention STUPID people. Plus ur liars, and bad ones at that.  ur also just so immature..HA- and ur like 50. that funny! me and will hope you burn in flames.."

^i hate these ppl SO MUCH. i honestly, there bastards...

like u have TRIED to hard to ruin me and wills relationship..well it hasnt worked, and it never will u pieces of shit. so try as hard as u want...we have something that NEITEHR of you posses. LOVE. we love each other. HA--u toodef dont love each other OR ur kids...so do the world a favor, and Fall of a cliff =)

on  seperate note. practice was so chill we did nothin. but basdically talk about secert santa, and COMPETION. some changes will DEF be made..holler

well im gonna do my hw, im so behind...oh yea. 55/100 on my math test, that i studied  for by READing the whole chapter like 6 times, makin flash cards..practice problems, a formula sheet, and anything else u can think of..GOD i hate AP STAT!!! GRR. i have a C in taht class, and it sucks, cuz there i NO way to raise my biotech GRAde to an A..so that gPA is droppin like shit..GRR. oh well my salisbury acceptance says all i have to do is mantain a 2.0, and i can DEF do that..OHHIE- i find from Elon on fuckin MONDAY! so scared!

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