Sep 12, 2004 02:16
.. I've come to the conclusion ..
No one knows love. And I'm sick of these high school girls talking about 'I love whats-his-face'. I mean I know I do like a lot of guys .. but I don't love them. And that's straight up. Love doesn't come to you in high school. If you think your going to find something out of a 5o's movie, theres something I should tell you :: WAKE UP. I mean when does that happen?! Not in the new millenium. The world is evolved and theres to much pain and torment for you to find that. I just doesn't happen. And what I'm saying is the truth. I'm not angry at a guy. None at the moment. Or been hurt by a guy recently. In the past, yes, and thats what made me realize this. You can come close to love. But you'll never achieve it. It's unattainable. An unattainable thought, that society has created to give you hope. Well, guess what, all hope is gone.
Kirby :: It's true love, my friend.
Kevin :: Love, love, you know what love is? Love is an illusion created by lawyer types like yourself to perpetuate another illusion called marriage to create the reality of divorce and then the illusionary need for divorce lawyers.
♥ Holly