i. hate. kim.

Jan 02, 2004 18:41

I HATE KIM. people talk about hating their moms? well I HATE KIM. right now she needs to fucking die. i hate kim. how many times can i say it? i hate kim. i hate kim. i hate kim. she needs to die. i hate kim. i hate kim. saying i'm selfish? ok assfuck, what have i been doing all day? oh thats right working on a piece that i am GIVING to mom and dad. real selfish huh? i hate kim. i really hate kim. die kim die. please fuckin' die kim. kim, i hate you. i hate kim. i really really really hate kim. die mother fucker die! i hate kim. i hate kim. i hate kim.

you know that feeling in your throat where you want to just SCREAM!? i have that and i want to scream. my next reaction is probably going to be breaking down and crying my eyes out. i fucking want kim to leave and never come the fuck back!

and my venting is done. no wait. one more. I HATE KIM! ok.

alright... well today was cool. i intendfully woke early to go and do art with jacob down the street. one thing was the problem, my ride from randis home, where i spent the night, and the ride to jacobs. my sister called at 10 telling me to come and shoot the woodpeaker that had been peaking at the house and in general to come home. Please someone understand my situation that i have a sister that is my MOTHER! for the love. what sister calls and asks you to come home right away but then doesn't offer a FUCKING ride and tells you to walk? what fucking sister bothers doing that? really? i am going insane with this whole mother sister role my sister is taking on. i want to take the gun and not shoot her, but hit her until she can't talk anymore and she is no longer in my mind. fuck shit! theres that screaming about to cry feeling. jesus help me.. ok right now is not that time to update for the rest of my day. i can't handle it! i'm going to go crazy and scream and take out a wall or something.

i will take a shower. for i havent in 3 days.
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