Dec 30, 2003 16:16
"sweet dreams" just kills me.
"and i will let you go to sleep and continue your dream. i will be captian jack sparrow and will take the girl, you, from that fucker will turner. and i will take you away."
"umm.. without the 'n'."
"smooth val."
the way you kisssss me.
KarLoBabey23: 12 hours ago you and steven kissed!!
yesterday was a great day. thanks for touching the night with ya'll's greatness.
my mother asked when i got home lastnight. i settled with "late" she considers that 1am or 2am..... or FOUR in my situation.
today i am banished to my home all day. for coming home late. anyone want to come over and visit me? i will be in my downstairs working on GLASS and watching my new michael jackson dvds.