Dec 29, 2004 23:56
I really have tried to not think about all this shit and not thinking about the fucking pain but i cant it hurts so bad! and seriously i tell myself not to care but sadly i do....the last couple of dayz iv been hangin out with Riane no change and Atrian they both keep my mind off it so much...i need to just be with my friends and not think about this shit you know...i know it wil stop hurting but it will take awhile....
Last night i went and picked up Train and Justin Wallis at a party and guess who was there! yah him....and he saw me i thought i was going to vomit all over trains lap....poor train...this is just to painful for me sometimes i meani cant even see ricky while he's home that sucks then the day after christmas me nd james break up....oh well though all th pain will go away soon enough....
New Years is gonna be wicked hard but im gonna be with cam and all them i guess morgun isnt going now which kinda sucks really bad cuz i wanted to see him but w/e maybe ill find a good guy there...Doubt it cuz ill get fucked over again...he told me he'd come back to me but w.e if he doesnt im gonna wiat for a while but see other guys and not get in a relationship until i know james has moved on cuz it would be way to hard to be with someone else now...bleh i suck iv moved on....